Lattice update: downstream sections Y. Nosochkov 08-07-2014
08/07/2014 Main modifications Update diagnostics (per J. Frisch), remove unnecessary diagnostics Implement magnetic kicker and separate HXR/SXR septum magnets, reduce by at the kicker Remove the SXR extension cell #15 and move TDUNDb 2.8 m downstream Move SXR quad QUM1b 2 m downstream Move SXR quads QDL11 – QDL19 2.5 m downstream Move bypass collimators downstream Adjust positions of bypass quads QBP31, 32, 35, 36, remove QBP37 Remove two quads from the spreader dumpline
08/07/2014 Bypass to HXR dump
08/07/2014 Spreader to HXR dump
08/07/2014 Spreader to SXR dump
Schematic of the spreader (top view) 08/07/2014 Schematic of the spreader (top view) DC correctors DC bipolar kicker HXR/SXR septa D10 dump HXR SXR rolled quads LCLS-I LCLS-II
Spreader layout (in scale) 08/07/2014 Spreader layout (in scale) X-plane Y-plane LCLS2 SXR HXR LCLS1 D10 Quads: SXR – cyan HXR – green Dumpline – black LCLS-1 – black Bends: – magenta Septum: SXR – red HXR – blue Kicker: Correctors: D10 dump: – black
08/07/2014 Spreader to BSY D10 dump