The Protestant Reformers
Early Reformers Erasmus John Wycliffe English Challenged pope’s authority Believed in the Bible translated into the “vernacular” Criticized excesses of church Criticized the privileged status of priests “Free Will” Wrote against church’s abuse of power Wanted lay people [regular people] to have access to the Scriptures so that they could make their own decisions Criticized church excess
Martin Luther Responsible for LUTHERANISM Major beliefs: Salvation by faith alone Bible as ultimate authority All humans equal before God
JOHN CALVIN Calvin spread his ideas from Geneva, Switzerland to France Responsible for Calvinism Beliefs: Predestination Faith revealed through a religious life Belief in a strong work ethic Individual Control of personal behavior Calvin spread his ideas from Geneva, Switzerland to France
Presbyterian Church Founded by John Calvin Churches were run by presbyteries (representative assemblies of elders) Inspired new ideas of democracy and federalism
PURITANS English reformers Claimed to Church of England was still too “Catholic” Wanted to purify the Church of England Based on idea of “covenant” [contract] between God and man Colonized U.S. (Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact)