What is a bully? When I say the word “Bully,” what comes to mind? (Take a few minutes to think of words that come to mind)
Bullying is unfair and one-sided Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It occurs when someone keeps hurting, frightening or leaving someone out intentionally. Bullying always involves an imbalance of power that is not based on physical size.
Tell whether each of the following examples are bullying or just a normal conflict. Remember: A conflict does not involve an imbalance of power.
Mike is overweight and has trouble keeping up in gym class Mike is overweight and has trouble keeping up in gym class. He is often chosen last for team games. Every time he is on Jason’s team, Jason teases and humiliates him by calling him names such as “Fatso.”
Margo tells Rebecca that she really likes Evan, but she doesn’t want anyone else to know. During lunch the next day she gets a note that reads: “We know you like Evan, he’s already taken.” Margo is furious and tells Rebecca she no longer wants to be her friend.
Sean and Kareem are hockey teammates Sean and Kareem are hockey teammates. During one game Sean pushes Kareem and shouts, “You’re always hogging the puck!”
Everyday on the bus, John bothers Eric and pulls off his hat even though Eric tells him to stop.
Anna returns to school after summer break and no one will speak to her or come near her. Anna finds a copy of a recent email falsely saying she has lice. Now you will complete the True or false Quiz.