Orangutan By Erin
Physical Characteristics Face looks like a humans face Shaggy brownish red Hair Chilin
Habitat/Diet That’s play! Once found in indo, China, Malaysia and maybe India Diet consists of fruit including Jackfruit, lynches, mangos, and figs That’s play!
Why its endangered? I’m tired The trees are getting cut down and that’s their habitat Getting hunted even though it’s illegal I’m tired
How we can help? Funky monkey Recycle paper so we don’t cut down their homes Donate money to wildlife funds Reading and finding out more on orangutans Funky monkey
Fun Facts!!! An average male weighs 50-90 kg Males usually get s??????y active around 12 years old An average female weighs 30-50 kg Just hangin around
bibliography Thanks for watching A True Book Of Orangutans The True Orangutan http://www.animalinfo.org/ Thanks for watching