Friday 04/10 A-day Monday 04/13 B-day Students will read to determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases. Students will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction texts including understanding elements of media literacy. Intro Vocab 6 Review Clothes Article & Annotation Assign students new articles with graphic organizer Graphic Organizer due by end of next class Students read and complete graphic organizer
Writer’s Warm-Up 5-10 minutes How was your spring break?! Tell me everything! Give me details! (Think: Five senses!) IF you did absolutely nothing then describe the perfect Spring Break
Set 6 Vocabulary Slideshow 7.4 Students will determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts.
addict noun: 1. A person with a very strong desire for something that is habit-forming and sometimes harmful. 2. A person who is a very enthusiastic fan. verb: To cause someone to have a very strong desire for something. addiction (n): the condition of being addicted. addictive (adj): Likely to cause addiction
verb: to have a strong desire to get something; to seek. aspire verb: to have a strong desire to get something; to seek. aspiration (n): A strong desire to achieve something; an ambition.
I have the BEST daughter in the whole world. bias noun: A preference that prevents one from being impartial; prejudice. verb: To cause someone to have prejudice; to influence I have the BEST daughter in the whole world.
blatant adjective: Very obvious in an offensive or shameless way.
candid adjective: Expressed honestly and without holding back unpleasant truths.
verb: 1. To stand up to; to face boldly. confront verb: 1. To stand up to; to face boldly. 2. To put or being face to face. confrontation (n): A hostile meeting between people who hold opposite views.
noun: A first public appearance. debut noun: A first public appearance. verb: To make a first public appearance.
enrollment (n): The number of people enrolled. verb: To sign up to become a member of some group or activity; to register. enrollment (n): The number of people enrolled.
fluster verb: To make nervous, embarrassed or confused.
impunity noun: Freedom from being harmed or punished
intensify verb: To increase; to strengthen or deepen.
verb: To frighten, especially by threatening someone. intimidate verb: To frighten, especially by threatening someone. intimidation (n): the act of intimidating.
obnoxious adjective: very unpleasant; disgusting.
verb: To answer, especially in a quick or clever way. retort verb: To answer, especially in a quick or clever way. noun: A quick or clever reply.
noun: 1. A period of time devoted to a job or some task. stint noun: 1. A period of time devoted to a job or some task. 2. A limit or restriction. verb: To limit or restrict.
Annotating a text What does it mean to annotate a text? Who already annotates? Do you use any common techniques or symbols?
Dress Code We will be reading about a common social issue in today’s society. School dress code is a common topic of discussion. As we read I would like for you to think about the main points or argument the author is trying to make. As we read together I will be underlining anything that I find interesting, thought provoking, or important. When we finish reading I would like for you to write down one or two sentences that identifies the main argument in the text.
On your own When we finish reading I would like for you to write down one or two sentences that identifies the main argument in the text. Discuss with the people in your group what you all believe the main argument to be. We will discuss as a class and write it on the board. Go back through your reading and use the following symbols to find evidence that does or does not support the main argument . Use a symbol for any evidence that supports your argument. Use a symbol for any evidence that does NOT support your argument.
If students do not follow the dress code, then they must wear… Dress Code Argument If students do not follow the dress code, then they must wear… Prison jumpsuits. Coveralls.
F - Dress code Response Write a one paragraph reflection. Would you support this dress code choice? Be sure to explain why or why not by using direct evidence annotated from the text. At least 2-3 pieces of evidence (the more, the better). One paragraph. Alternative solution at the end for a conclusion.
On your Own article: Read the article with your group (out loud or silently). Annotate along the way. Discuss with your group and then go back to find evidence like we did with the dress code article. Record what you believe to be the argument for the article.
S - Social Issues Graphic Organizer (20) Complete the graphic organizer according to the article that you read on a social issue. Be diligent in annotating and recording quotes for strong pieces of evidence. The graphic organizer will be due by the end of next class if not completed today.