Warm Up #50 – Jan 9, 2017 Please have out your syllabus for me to see as you work What is one question you came up with for your study guide? What level question is it? Give an example of an activity that is collectivist. Describe an action that would be considered individualist. Describe an act of altruism.
Objective and EQs TLW comprehend and analyze the events and content of chapter 1 and 2 using a class discussion and questioning TLW understand the definition, part of speech, synonyms, and antonyms of selected vocab using a graphic organizer Essential Questions What happened in chapter 1 and 2? What is objectivism and collectivism? How is it expressed in Anthem? What makes someone a good member of society?
Vocab notes
Finish Guided notes as necessary
Chapter 1 and 2 discussion For each question, you and a partner will discuss and write down a response in your notebook Write your responses in COMPLETE SENTENCES. This will give you better information to study later. Example: “Height.” “Equality is different from his brothers in his height.”
Besides his height, how else is Equality different from his brothers? Equality is different from his brothers because he is smarter. Equality is different from his brothers because he is more advanced. Equality is different from SOME of his brothers because of his age. Equality is different because of the unique number attached to his name.
What are some things that are illegal in Equality’s society? It is illegal to: Speak about the Great Rebirth Speak about the Unmentionable Times Be alone Think of self-interest Think out loud Be unique
In the society featured in the book, no man is meant to have an advantage over another in any way. How is assigning Equality to be a Street Sweeper an example of preventing someone from gaining any kind of advantage in society? If Equality was made a scientist, he would have had his extra brainpower as an advantage. Instead, he’s given a job where he can only do physical labor.
What are the stages of life in Equality’s society What are the stages of life in Equality’s society? Which “institutions” represent each one?
What was the original purpose of the tunnel that International and Equality found?
How does International react to finding the tunnel? What about Equality?
What name does Equality give Liberty 5-3000? What is its significance?
Why was Equality relieved to hear Liberty’s age?
Are the members of this society content and satisfied? Why or why not?
Why do you believe the forest is “Uncharted” and the past centuries are “Unmentionable”?
What do you believe is the “Unspeakable” word?
Ayn Rand was not a fan of organized religion Ayn Rand was not a fan of organized religion. What are some references in the text to imply her opinion on religion?
Study guide check and model More explanation to leveled questions Develop one or two questions together