What Influences My Choices? Lesson 2.12
Learning Targets (p.131) Today in class, I will… Identify elements of an argument in a sample text. Analyze the claim, audience, purpose, and occasion in a sample sentence.
Word Wall Vocab. Under vocabulary tab in your binder place your word wall handout, and write the following definition. Claim: a statement that can be argued. Consensus: an agreement that satisfies everyone in the group.
Anticipation Guide (p.131) Individually, complete the Anticipation Guide on page 131 by circling agree or disagree with the provided statements. Then, explain why you agree or disagree with the provided statements. Share your answers with your elbow buddy.
America the Beautiful Why do we say the above phrase?
America… (p.132) In partners, read the article, “America the Not-So-Beautiful” on pages 132-133. Complete the graphic organizer on page 134 using the SOAPSTone strategy.
SOAPSTone Subject: What is the topic? Occasion: What are the circumstances surrounding the text? Audience: Who is the target audience? Purpose: Why did the author write this text?
SOAPSTone Speaker: What does the reader know about the writer? Tone: What is the writer’s attitude toward the subject? Provide textual evidence for each category.
Class Debate Should college athletes be paid for playing sports? Read the two provided articles regarding paying college athletes to play sports, and complete the worksheet to prepare for your debate. Crossfire Debate
Debate Rules Every student has to make at least one comment expressing their claim. Only one person can talk at a time; no interrupting others speaking. Every student will be respectful of their peers comments and not laugh or make fun of them. If you have a comment or a question, raise your hand and wait to be selected by a peer. Use Accountable Talk
Accountable Talk