Internal Scan Presentation Merced College Educational Master Plan October 26, 2017
Internal Environmental Scan Analysis of the students and staff of the College
Historical FTES 48.6% Growth over 16 years 2.5% Average growth per year WSCH/Student grew at 3.5% per year; 73.8% since 2000; 6.4 to 11.1 WSCH per student.
Historical Headcount -14.5% Growth over 16 years -1.0% Average growth per year
Enrollments by Age and Race/Ethnicity Merced College Enrollments by Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Fall 2017 Hispanic 61.4 % White Non-Hispanic 20.3 % Asian 8.8 % African-American 3.0 % Multi-Ethnicity 3.3 % Unknown 1.2 % Filipino 1.1 % American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.5 % Pacific Islander 0.4 %
Day/Evening Enrollments by Race/Ethnicity Daytime Enrollments by Race/Ethnicity Fall 2016 Race/Ethnicity Daytime Filipino 89.3% Asian 89.2% Multi-Ethnicity 88.1% Pacific Islander 86.7% African-American 86.4% Hispanic 84.7% College Average 83.8% American Indian/Alaskan Native 80.9% Unknown 80.8% White Non-Hispanic 78.6% Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Data Mart Evening Enrollments by Race/Ethnicity Fall 2016 Race/Ethnicity Evening Unknown 19.2% American Indian/Alaskan Native 19.1% White Non-Hispanic 18.3% College Average 14.4% Hispanic 14.0% Pacific Islander 11.1% African-American 10.4% Multi-Ethnicity 10.3% Asian 10.0% Filipino 9.8% Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Data Mart
Unit Load and Distance Education
Staff by Gender
Staff by Age
Staff Race/Ethnicity
Staff Race/Ethnicity
Merced College Program Awards 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 % Change Associate in Science for Transfer (A.S.-T) Degree 30 83 132 198 225 650% Associate in Arts for Transfer (A.A.-T) Degree 85 107 120 192 216 154% Associate of Science (A.S.) degree 94 93 98 114 124 32% Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree 594 537 468 518 508 -14% Certificate requiring 60+ semester units 15 16 10 14 13 -13% Certificate requiring 30 to < 60 semester units 115 155 201 335 423 268% Certificate requiring 18 to < 30 semester units 18 26 33 29 44 144% Certificate requiring 12 to < 18 units 1 2 - Total 951 1,017 1,062 1,401 1,555 64% Source: California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Data Mart
Student Residence (Top 15 Cities/Towns*) Merced College - Enrollments by City of Residence City Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 % Change Merced 4,141 4,210 4,009 3,987 3,999 3,964 -4% Atwater 1,220 1,204 1,230 1,318 1,383 1,332 9% Los Banos 1,059 1,011 1,047 1,174 1,228 1,258 19% Turlock 583 595 610 580 523 -10% Livingston 484 504 476 465 506 497 3% Winton 371 356 402 394 422 386 4% Chowchilla 195 209 235 252 360 384 97% Delhi 254 259 281 290 258 253 0% Dos Palos 239 223 208 236 233 228 -5% Planada 188 157 164 172 175 -7% Modesto 110 125 156 141 154 43% Gustine 144 158 147 161 142 -13% Hilmar 129 112 105 114 117 120 Newman 100 128 111 121 5% Mariposa 130 115 103 97 -23% * Includes 91% of fall 2017 students