Administrational Guide for Medical Students at the UPMS Hints for Freshmen 2018 Administrational Guide for Medical Students at the UPMS
Technical Background Faculty website ( Neptun (native and web-based platforms) Education admin: Enrollment/ setting student status, booking courses, booking exam dates, checking status, payments, grades username for Neptun = university ID (Neptun code) lost password → ask RO for a new one Neptun Meet Street: Contacting teachers, fellow students, even consultation Sharing educational materials (up- and downloading lecture materials, home works, mid- term test results, exam sheets, etc.) Faculty website ( Downloadable publications (timetable, program booklet, forms, schedule, etc.) Contact details for departments/clinics and for teachers
General Medicine 2017 or General Medicine 2018? -all the necessary subjects transferred from Bjorknes College AND -summer courses successfully completed (Anatomy 1 and Histology 1) -General Medicine 2017 tuition fee: 1st semester: 8500 USD, 2nd semester: 7200 USD General Medicine 2018: -if a necessary subject is missing and/or -fail to complete both or one of the summer courses -General Medicine 2018 tuition fee: 1st semester: 9000 USD, 2nd semester: 7750 USD
Transferred credits from Bjorknes College Bjorknes course Accepted courses in Pécs MB 1100 Chemistry and Biochemistry OAA-ORK OAA-BEB Medical Chemistry Introduction to Biochemistry MB 1200 Cell and Molecular Biology OAA-MB1 OAA-MB2 Molecular Cell Biology 1 Molecular Cell Biology 2 MB 1300 Biophysics OAA-BI1 OAA-BI2 Biophysics 1 Biophysics 2 MB1400 Society and Medicine I. OAR-ELS OAA-OET First Aid Behavioral Sciences 2 (Medical Ethics) MB 1500 Society and Medicine II. OAA-ANT OAA-BML OAA-MET OAA-AED Behavior Science 1 (Medical Anthropology) Public Health 1 (The Basics of disease prevention.) Biometrics Public Health 2 (General Epidemiology and Demography) MB1600 Anatomy and Physiology OAA-AA1 OAA-SF1 Anatomy 1 Histology and Embriology 1
Transferred credits from Bjørknes Hoyskole Courses in Bjørknes Accepted courses in Pécs An Introduction to Molecular Medicine OAF-TCH Technical subject Hungarian Language OAE-H1A Medical Hungarian 1/A OAE-H1B Medical Hungarian 1/B OAE-H2A Medical Hungarian 2/B OAE-H2B Introduction to Anatomy and Histology Technical Subject Medical Terminology OAF-N06 Signaling and Cancer Physical Education ATT1 ATT2 Physical Education 1 and 2
Checking Curriculum -3rd semester courses if requirements are completed (plus Medical Communication Skills) -Summer Practice in Hospital Care and Medical Communication Skills in the upcoming summer -practice accepted only in accredited university teaching hospitals
MATRICULATION Collective enrolment August 29 Through Neptun Check your personal data! Fill out the matriculation card, and print it out. Submit it to the RO, signed. If you have a problem → e-mail to Eniko (print screen) If you want to start with a passive semester, you still need to matriculate!
Course registration Course registration in Neptun, Signing up for the subject, and then for the course (lecture, seminar, practice if available, to a specific group. T0 – technical group: the course directors will put students to a group) Courses based on each other → see prerequisites (curriculum) If you have any problem → e-mail with a print screen to Eniko (
Course registration via Neptun
Enrollment in the later semesters Later semesters: enrolling (decision on continuing / suspending studies): in Neptun Active semester: book subjects, attend classes, take exams, get grades and credit points – pay tuition fee Passive semester: no classes, no exams, no grades, status suspended – no tuition fee (if you passivate within the registration period) Once you activated your semester and change your mind – you can ask for late passivation until the given deadline, but you need to pay 40 % + pro rata of the tuition fee (min. 52%).
Studies – A general overview
Credit System RULES - 1 credit = 14 class hours (generally…) - „credit points’” for each educational component/subject RULES - 1 credit = 14 class hours (generally…) Collect at least the minimum number of credits to get the degree (360 points) 20/40 rule: Complete 20 (15 obligatory) in the first 2 active semesters and 40 (20 obligatory) in the first 4 active ones (credit transfer may confuse this → if you are not sure, contact RO) only 6 chances (in sum) to pass a subject, and you can sign up for a course maximum 3 times - Get 30 ± 3 credits in each semesters (optimal progression) Prerequisites: subjects are built on each other (max. 3 prerequisite subjects for each) Recommended curriculum: contains the obligatory components and criterion requirements for each semester
Recommended curriculum Only obligatory subjects and criterion requirements! → English → Administration→ Registrar’s Office → Booklets and Curricula → „Recommended curriculum 2017 or 2018” under your major + „course descriptions”
Recommended curriculum
Types of courses Obligatory subjects: a course-unit the completion of which is required from each and every student of the programme (80% of the total number of credits) Elective and Optional subjects: (15% + 5%= 34+18) Criterion requirement: a requirement to be fulfilled obligatorily to which no credit is allocated. (summer practices, physical education, language requirement) Exam courses: when granted the end of semester signature can’t attend classes, only exam pre-scheduled exam (only in fall semester): first three days of the registration period; if it’s successfull student can take up courses, based on that course
Course description
Lånekassen 6 years of support As long as you follow the recommended curriculum, you will get the support UPMS: every student is full time (even with two credit points)
Studies – The school year
The School Year School year (2018-2019) 10 months: September – July Exact dates always on the website of the RO (Announcements) Fall Semester September – January Spring Semester February – July 1. Registration period: 2 weeks enrolling/matriculation, booking courses 1. Registration period: last week of previous exam period enrolling, booking courses 2. Instruction period: 14 weeks classes, mid-term attendance, papers… 2. Instruction period: 14 weeks 1 week extra: Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance, papers… 3. Exam period: 7 weeks 3. Exam period: 7 weeks
Timetable 1. Capital letter lectures 2. Small letter practices and seminars * odd week **even week Contains only the obligatory subjects Groups: appr. 25 people attending practices and seminars in groups Group leader / year representative
Completing a course End of semester signature (testifying attendance in course) only electronic signature in Neptun; if denied, you cannot take exam! Absence from less than 15% of the classes of the course-unit cannot be condemned for absence (unless the course director informed the students about stricter expectations in the course description or in writing at the beginning of the semester) between 15 and 25%, course director shall decide on accepting the semester reaches 25% (for any reason, with or without a certified excuse) you cannot be granted entry to examination. The course director can refuse to give electronic signature for other reasons announced at the beginning of the semester – e.g. missing a mid-term task or assignment – and can allow the student to make up for it until the end of the second week of the examination period. - See conditions/expectations for acceptance of the semester.
Dismissing or Terminating studies Dismissal Using 6 chances and not passing the subject Signing up 3 times for a subject and not completing it Did not set semester active after 2 passive semesters in Neptun 20 (15 obligatory) / 40 (20 obligatory) credits Terminating (exmatriculation) on request (write request)
Tuition fee 1 To be paid for active semesters. (Active but no courses → 40% and only by request) Pay by bank transfer or at the cashier in USD E-mail notification about payment details appr. 2-3 weeks before semester start Deadline for payment: August 13 (40%) and October 15 (60%) Proof to be submitted to the RO Tution fee contract later.
Tuition fee 2 Delayed payment For those, who pay their fee from loan and it’s not received until the enrolment. Request forms: → English → Administration → Registrar’s Office → Downloads and Forms Submitting to the RO until 13 August 2018 Delayed payment until 15 October in fall semester, until 15 March in spring semester .
Reduction Reduction can be granted from the basic amount – by application! Reduction based on social needs: in special circumstances and only with written proof in English After two completed semesters: Reduction based on number of credits (twice during the studies) Reduction based on academic achievement (only for the fall semester)
Service fees and penalties Paid at cashiers in HUF, cash or via Neptun missing deadlines (pay tuition fee, submit proof about payment, late registration for courses) Repeated retake exam fee (exam or final exam) – 4900HUF unjustified exam absences – 4900HUF
Repeated retake exam fee
Thanks for your attention.