Keyboarding Techniques Implement Proper Posture Correct Keyboarding Techniques Apply the Touch Method While Operating the Alpha Keys
Posture Proper arrangement of your workstation The correct placement of your keyboard, arms, wrists, legs, fingers, and feet.
Proper Posture Sit up straight with back against the chair Body centered in front of the computer Elbows are naturally by your side Fingers are curved over the keyboard Wrists low, not touching the keyboard Quick, snappy strokes Feet flat on the floor
Technique Proper hand positioning while using the keyboard. Learning to key by touch.
Proper Technique Lightly touch keys with the finger tip Place fingers on the center of the key Fingers are slightly curved on each key Quick down and in motion of the thumb on the spacebar Right pinky used for the enter key; other fingers remain on the home row
Proper Technique Examine the keyboard to form mental picture of the layout. (You will memorize the entire keyboard.) Keep your eyes on the copy while keying
Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) Injury that happens over time Occur when too much stress is placed on a part of the body Causes swelling, pain, muscle strain, and tissue damage.
Carpal Tunnel Wrist injury Compression of the median nerve located on the palm side of your hand (aka carpal tunnel). Can occur in one or both of your hands.
De Quervain's Disease Thumb injury Painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist
Keyboard Layout ~ Left hand home row keys: A, S, D, F # 3 $ 4 % 5 ^ 6 Tab Q E R T Y U I : L K \ } { P O Backspace + = _ - ) @ 2 ! 1 ( 9 *8 & 7 Caps Lock Shift D Ctrl J F G H Z Enter “ S A > < M N B V C X ? Alt Spacebar W Left hand home row keys: A, S, D, F Right hand home row keys: J, K, L, Space bar – Right thumb
Touch Typing
Touch Typing AKA touch method Learn the location of the keys by memory Place fingers on the home row keys Use the touch method rather than using the hunt and peck method
QWERTY Keyboard Commonly used keyboard arrangement The QWERTY keyboard was designed by Christopher Sholes Purpose was to slow down typists and Prevent keys from jamming the like keys on old manual typewriters. Qwerty Video