Austrian Capital Market Days Austria’s role in Europe Christian Lassnig, Consul
Sound of Music
Austria – at a glance Central location in Europe 3 hours flight to anywhere in Europe Hub between Eastern and Western Europe
Austrian Economy A brief overview GDP 2016: USD 386.4 bn = ca. 2,7 % of EU = 1 % of the world GDP per capita 2016: USD 44,237 (Germany: USD 42,027) GDP growth 2016 +1.5%, but will accelerate to +2.8% in 2017 and 2018 > 480.000 businesses (99.6 % Small Medium Enterprises – SMEs) FDI: strong in Central & Eastern Europe strong position in growth markets (EU, CEEC, Middle East, Russia)
Austrian Economy A brief overview high per-capita income requires high value added small domestic market requires a customer oriented approach (international) from technology absorbing/diffusing/follower to source of technology (driver) R&D-Intensity 3,1% of GDP in 2016 approx. 10.000 companies with defined R&D efforts and technical innovation innovation on a broader front: manufacturing, services, processes, business models, design & creative industries strong in niches + technology leadership > served world wide
Austrian Economy A competitive business location Austria ranks among the most prosperous countries in the EU. Austria’s economic output is 27 percent above the EU average. Source: Eurostat
Austrian Economy A competitive business location In recent years, Austrian industry has posted high productivity gains. The main reasons are good capacity utilization and the comparatively high investment ratio designed to strongly exploit market opportunities, for example in Eastern and South East Europe. Source: Eurostat
Austrian Economy A competitive business location
Austrian Economy A competitive business location Source: WSI
Austrian Economy A competitive business location Dual education system provides a highly skilled labour force and results in extremely low youth unemployment Source: Eurostat
Austrian Economy Innovation leader
Austrian Economy A competitive business location Numerous multinational corporations set up research and engineering centers in Austria And several Austrian technology companies have established themselves as world market and innovation leader
Austrian Economy
Austrian Economy Top investor in CEE Quellen: Rumänien, Bulgarien: mit AHSt abgestimmt Russland: telefon. Info der AHSt, Wert im Länderprofil (Wert im Wirtschaftsbericht ist falsch) Türkei: übernommen aus altem Bericht, Wert der AHSt (2002-2008: USD 2,04 Mrd) Ukraine: tel. Info der AHSt andere: keine aktuellen Daten vorhanden Source: Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Austrian Economy Top investor in CEE Several multinational corporations set up their regional HQ for CEE in Austria And Austrian companies are among the strongest investors in the region
Thank you very much for your interest! Christian Lassnig Consul Austrian Consulate General – Commercial Section T +1 416 967 3348