A sample is injected into the spectrometer and heated to a vapour.


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Presentation transcript:

A sample is injected into the spectrometer and heated to a vapour. The sample is ionised – high energy electrons are fired at the sample which in turn knocks electrons off the molecules, turning them into positive ions (A). The positive ions are accelerated by negatively charged plates (B) through the instrument as a beam of ionised molecules. The ions are picked up by a detector at the end of the apparatus and information is fed to a computer. The beam passes through an electromagnet which deflects the ions depending on their charge and mass. A sample is injected into the spectrometer and heated to a vapour. The sample is ionised – high energy electrons are fired at the sample which in turn knocks electrons off the molecules, turning them into positive ions (A). The positive ions are accelerated by negatively charged plates (B) through the instrument as a beam of ionised molecules. The ions are picked up by a detector at the end of the apparatus and information is fed to a computer. The beam passes through an electromagnet which deflects the ions depending on their charge and mass.