The sales department at Windways receives purchase orders from customers (contractors) for fans. The sales clerk enters the customer name into the computer. The computer reads the account receivable master file and displays customer information similar to that entered. The sales clerk finds the customer’s ID number and prepares a sales order. The sales clerk then forwards the sales order to accounts receivable. A clerk in accounts receivable enters the customer ID number on the computer. The computer again reads the accounts receivable master file and displays the credit status of this customer on the terminal in accounts receivable. The Accounts Receivable clerk then approves the sales order by initialing the appropriate box. The Accounts Receivable clerk forwards one copy of the sales order to shipping and forwards the original back to sales. The sales clerk then prepares a vendor acknowledgement and sends it to the customer. The sales clerk then files the approved sales order in a Sales Order File. 1 2 9 10 3 4 5 13 11 12 14 15 16 6 7 8 1,2,9,10,4,5,13,11,12,14,15,16,6,7,8
Sales Computer Accounts Receivable Customer sends PO A S/O Read Display B Cust. Info. 5 12 11, 12 P/O 1 A/R master Read Display 14 Approve S/O Cust. ID B Read Display Cust. Name 2 13 Sent to Customer Cust. Info. S/O 9, 10 10 C S/O Prepare S/O 7 15 Vend. Ack. Sent to Shipping 5 (3), 4 6 Prepare V/A S/O C 16 File S/O Sales Order Database 8 1,2,9,10,3,4,5,13,11,12,14,15,16,6,7,8 End