Monday 9-17 Agenda: Bellwork Open Note Quiz Go over writing project Start writing project
Open Note Quiz Do NOT write on my paper! You may use your Canterbury notes, character chart and questions for this After you are done, staple your quiz to your question sheet and turn both in! Unless you were absent multiple days last week, you are taking the quiz! Also, no using a friend’s notes. If you forgot your notes, that is your problem.
Actual Directions This assignment has 2 grades/sections: 1 with a group and 1 individually Group Assignment: Story Frame (1-2 days) You will be creating a prologue, just like in the Cant. Tales. It must introduce 4 characters, what brought them together and why they decide to pass the time by telling stories. Also, explain what each winner will get for the best tale. Individual: (1-2 days) Pick one of the four characters (pref. the one you already wrote about) and tell their tale. It must relate to their profession in some way and must include one of the 7 sins (or something equally as important). For example, if you created a celebrity, their sin could be pride and they would tell a story about pride being an issue for someone.
Writing Project This assignment will be both graded and used as an EQ grade. EQ Writing 3, 6 components: C1: Set up a problem or situation; introduce a POV and a narrator and characters C2: Sequence events to create a coherent story-with specific tone and outcome C3: Smooth progression or flow of events C4: Use dialogue, description and reflection to convey experience and characters C5: Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced or resolved
Continued C6: Use sensory language and descriptive details for a vivid picture of characters and events C7: Use figurative language such as metaphor, simile, irony, etc C8: Establish and maintain an appropriate style and tone
I am grading for all of the EQ components, so refer back to your paper You can choose to do either prose (regular paragraph form) or poem form. Frame/Group Part: Poem form must be 20 lines with rhyming couplets Paragraph form must be half a front page Individual: Poem must be 60 lines, with rhyming couplets (30 front, 30 back) Story form must be a whole front of a page and a whole back of a page.
Step 1 Get with a group of 4 Create the chart on the next page Brainstorm ideas for types of people to write about. Do not copy Chaucer! The best way to brainstorm is to think of the 7 deadly sins and choose a person with a job that can go with that….such as gluttony means overeating- you could chose a chef. Pride-celebrity, etc **Gluttony, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Greed, Envy
Make this chart in your assignments tab Make this chart in your assignments tab. Each group member does 1 character themselves, but writes down what everyone came up with Character Name Dress Physical Looks Job Any interesting Info about them What type of sin will they tell a story about? Where are they all at? Why are they telling stories? What does the winner get?
7 deadly sins Pride Sloth (Laziness) Gluttony (excessive eating) Wrath (Anger) Lust (desire for someone) Greed Envy (wanting what others have) Other possible topics: cleanliness, intolerance, prejudice See me if you have another idea...I will approve or deny!
Step 2 Choose who will do which character on your chart. Start creating your poem/story about them. This part is individual. Poem must be 20 lines with rhyming couplets Or story must be half a front page Make sure to describe their words, actions, dress, job, and any weird details about them. Also, make sure to add in where the group is at.
Step 3 Have your group read over your character and see if they want anything changed. This portion of the assignment is a group grade.
Step 4: Individual story Brainstorm some ideas for things your character could speak about/preach about (one of the sins) The story must tie in with their profession It must flow well, set out a problem, introduce characters, use dialogue and description and have a well thought out conclusion.
Example chart for individual tale Character name:_____ Job:_____ Sin they are telling about:________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Characters in the actual tale:________ Setting:_____________ Problem (involving sin):__________ How will it be resolved?______________ Possible similes/metaphor to use:_______________ Tone of the story:__________________