Upper Stampede News OUE MUSTANGS
Pledge of Allegiance « I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. « OUE MUSTANGS
Oklahoma Flag Salute OUE MUSTANGS « I salute the flag of the state of Oklahoma It’s symbols of peace unite all people. « Oklahoma Flag Salute OUE MUSTANGS
Moment of silence OUE MUSTANGS
Mustang Creed OUE MUSTANGS I am a mustang, I promise to do my best. Use teamwork and brain power, treat everyone nicely, and make this a great day!
Character word of the Month Character word is Trustworthiness Ways to show Trustworthiness: ·Be Honest ·Be Reliable ·Be Loyal Have the courage to do the right thing OUE MUSTANGS
power word of the week Power word is Analyze Meaning: Break Apart OUE MUSTANGS
Mustang Lunch Catfish w/tarter sauce, Garlic breadsticks, Tator tots Celery sticks w/Ranch, Orange B Line ** Spicy Popcorn Chicken OUE MUSTANGS
Announcements Reminder: Home Football game against Wagoner at 7:30 Come Support our Mustangs! OUE MUSTANGS
Super Joke What is a cats favorite story?? OUE MUSTANGS
Super Joke Hairy Pawter Ha! Ha! By: Nathan Slayden OUE MUSTANGS