Time period: 1990s Publication: November 18,1993 Artist: Ted Thai Purpose: The purpose of this painting is to show the combining of all the different cultures of todays society. This is what a female would look like who had several different races in her blood line. The simple subject statement at the bottom of the cover reveals the true meaning behind the woman: How Immigrants Are Shaping the Worlds First Multicultural Society.
The audience of the cover is intended to anyone looking at or reading the magazine. Multicultural societies are becoming more and more popular. Think about how many bi-racial couples you see in the world today. Think about what effect this has on a society like Glasgow versus one in Arizona. How would they differ? Arizona just passed a law about immigrants which would eliminate this opportunity there. In Kentucky, we have no law so that is still possible.
The focus of this photo is the womans face. This is a picture of what someone would look like with many different cultures in their life. In the background, there are many very small pictures of peoples faces from different cultures. This shows that all different cultures are in her blood. In the middle at the bottom of the photo the words How Immigrants Are Shaping the Worlds First Multicultural Society. This statement is written in black against the womans soft, tan complexion. Why do you think the author did this? This allows it to pop and draws the readers attention, sharing with them the subject of the article.
Foreground: The entire face of the woman takes up the foreground. This is because she is the main focus of the picture. Background: The background is filled with pictures of peoples faces whose culture contributed to her features. Omission: This picture cuts out from the womans shoulders down. Why do you think the author did that? This helps eliminate people judging because they dont show her body. This eliminates people thinking that you must be skinny or you must be fat.
The statement to the left of the womans face and her face are juxtaposed. What makes them juxtaposed? If the statement was not there the picture wouldnt have as much meaning. However, the statement tells you to take a look at her and that she was created by a computer and is made of many different races.
How Immigrants Are Shaping the Worlds First Multicultural Society - middle at the bottom This statement reveals to the reader what the article is about and it is also very symbolic. How so? The picture of the woman along with the statement to the left of her face, ….What you see is a remarkable preview of….The New Face of America, are saying that with the amount of immigrants in todays world, we are all going to resemble this woman in the near future.
Logos: This image appeals to our logic because it concerns the changing in culture as we know it. Pathos: This image appeals to our emotions by giving us a positive or negative feeling depending on how each individual feels about immigration. Ethos: This image appeals to our ethics because it takes many races and cultures together to get the features of the woman.
Why do you think the author placed a small smile or even a smirk, if you will, on her face ? What are your views or opinions on immigration today? What other aspects will be effected by multicultural binding?
Photo: Background Info: