The Homeless Point in Time Count & Survey Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Conference 2013
Introductions & Who we Are Pat Leary, MN Department of Human Services Allan Henden, Hennepin County Monica Nilsson, St. Stephen’s Human Services Joseph Desenclos, St. Stephen’s Human Services Mary Ulland Evans, Three Rivers Community Action Agency Dina Chou, MN Department of Human Services
What are all these counts anyways? What is the “Point in Time Count/Survey”? 1. Sheltered Count 2. Unsheltered Count What is the difference between this and the Wilder Homeless Study?
History and Purpose History of the Point in Time and OEO Sheltered Survey Why we do these counts and surveys: 1. HUD Requirement 2. Evaluate/Plan Efforts to End Homelessness 3. Information for Policy Makers 4. Media Requests 5. Community Education
State-Wide Sheltered Count 2 Counts: January & July All Motel Voucher, Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing Programs Should Participate (PSH not included) OEO Administers Survey Emails it out to over 300 Programs State-Wide Works in Coordination with CoC Coordinators Produces a State-Wide Summary Report
Unsheltered Counts Each CoC Region does their own Unsheltered Count Methods vary depending on the CoC regional communities Counts the number of people who are homeless but not in an emergency shelter, motel voucher or transitional housing program
Point in Time Count Results (Jan. 2013) CoC Region Total # of Sheltered Homeless People Total # of Unsheltered Homeless People Central 449 197 Hennepin 3,417 164 Northeast 68 21 Northwest 196 4 Ramsey 1,363 71 SMAC 713 110 Southeast 409 27 Southwest 22 St. Louis 317 West Central 263 36 Total 7,359 762
Population Break-Down (Jan. 2013)
Local Example: Hennepin County Coordinate with State on Sheltered Count (as described earlier) Follow up with Shelter & Transitional Housing providers for updated & missing info Coordinate with St. Stephen’s Street Outreach on Unsheltered Count Info for HUD, but also for the Heading Home Hennepin Initiative to help measure progress & gaps
Hennepin County Youth PIT Count This year, USICH asked 9 jurisdictions to survey young people under age 25 who were homeless on that night. Surveyed in shelters and transitional housing programs. Surveyed youth at drop in centers and on the street. Surveyed through Hennepin County high schools. Surveyed through Juvenile and Adult Probation.
Demographics 459 youth surveyed 20% were under age 18 60% were African American 52% were female 34% reported a diagnosed disability 47% of those who weren’t surveyed by Probation reported court involvement Life Experiences 68% left home before age 18. 64% met the definition of long-term homeless. 37% are pregnant or a parent. 35% have been in foster care. 12% have traded sex for money, food, housing. 40% have been in an abusive relationship.
Why they left… Family conflict – 24% Kicked out – 20% Left on own – 14% Family poverty – 6% Parents unavailable – 6% Abuse/neglect – 5% Addiction – 3% Youth locked up/tx – 3%
Education 134 were surveyed in the schools (100 of these respondents were doubled up). 237 (53%) of all respondents were currently enrolled in school. 82 respondents did NOT have a diploma/GED and were NOT enrolled in school. Only 2% of respondents had less than a high school diploma, were not enrolled, and were not trying to get back in school. Employment 26% report they have a job – ¾ are part time, ¼ full time. Only 5% of respondents have a full-time, non-temporary job. Those in transitional housing are much more likely to have a job – 52%. Public Assistance 61% report they get public assistance. Receipt of PA highest in shelter and transitional housing (84% or more) 17% have no job, PA, or other source of income. Half of those without PA or a job were surveyed in schools.
Next Count….Coming Up…. January 22, 2014 Not to be confused with the Wilder Survey (October 2015) What can I do? 1. Make sure your CoC & the OEO have your program’s current contact information 2. Fill out the sheltered survey 3. Coordinate with your local CoC on the unsheltered count
Thank-You & For More Information: Dina Chou, Pat Leary, Monica Nilsson, Joseph Desenclos, Allan Henden, Mary Ulland Evans,