Chemically Contaminated Debris / Solids Collection & Disposal Guidelines Saturated wipes & paper towels, contaminated gloves and glassware, broken glass, spill cleanup materials Contaminated during use with chemicals or from spill cleanup Collected in proper container with compatible materials Labeled with Red Tag: listed with associated constituents and associated hazard(s) indicated Container closed and stored within or near a labeled Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) Examples to keep separate from general solids: - Pyrophoric chemicals (lithium, magnesium, potassium, etc) - Heavy metals (mercury, chromium, lead, arsenic, etc.) - Strong acids (sulfuric & nitric acid) - Acutely Hazardous (P-Listed) Chemical Solids: acetone, thiols, phenols, mercaptans Indicate SOLIDS & at least 3 chemical constituents on the red tag. Mark the associated hazard(s).