2018 Rules Update & Review Rules Interpreter - Jill McCabe


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Presentation transcript:

2018 Rules Update & Review Rules Interpreter - Jill McCabe jmccabe@sjfc.edu Board President – Colleen Spiegelhoff Assignor – Jason Brightful

Location: http://uslacrosse.org/rules/girls-rules 11:45 minutes 2018 USL Rules Interp Video Location: http://uslacrosse.org/rules/girls-rules 11:45 minutes

Official’s Main Season Goal Safety & Consistency

2018 Points of Emphasis Illegal Defensive Positioning Contact in the midfield – Incidental vs Dangerous Crosse in the Sphere/Check to the head Professionalism 2017 similar (illegal defensive positioning, game management)

Illegal Defensive Positioning “Illegal Defensive Positioning” is not a distinct foul… BUT! The term is intended to improve the understanding of the fouls of Obstruction of Free Space to Goal and Three Seconds. Not intended to increase the frequency of fouls called on defense – clarification and understanding is goal of this point of emphasis Obstruction of Free Space to Goal (shooting space): defenders who put themselves in, or fail to remove themselves from, the shooting lane when the attack has the opportunity to shoot safely if the space were clear. rule update… attack has to have the opportunity to shoot! Ball must be above GLE and within CSA Path to goal must be clear of legal defenders. Are hands able to shoot & body positioned to shoot Three Second rule – defenders illegally occupies a space to which she is not entitled, and is reducing opportunities for the offense to safely attack (cutting and passing lanes). The defender is placing herself at risk of injury.

Contact in the midfield Safety is priority. Legal contact vs dangerous play. Contact that physically forces opponent off of their position or path is illegal contact Deliberate illegal contact (cross check, pushes, etc) made to the body on any offensive player in a defenseless position must be carded. Consider carding players who repeatedly commit fouls in the midfield can warn if a repeat, if defenseless no warning – mandatory card

Crosse in the Sphere/Check to the head Responsibility of the defender to keep her stick out of the sphere and throat area of the ball carrier. Defenders who penetrate this space/throat area should be assessed a major foul. Repeated violations can be carded Rule applies even when the ball carrier does not have stick in legal checking position (cradling in the sphere) Offsetting fouls Check to the head or a check that causes the attackers stick to contact her head is a mandatory card

Professionalism Encourages all coaches, players, officials and administrators to conduct themselves in a professional manner before, during and immediately following all contests Avoid use of excessive dissent or abusive language Can warn but if persist or flagrant enough to start -- card Coaches must stay in their coaching area – must stay off the field! Encourages calm, patient and productive dialogue between coaches, players and officials Officials must be willing to listen at appropriate times If asked to speak at a timeout/half time – must invite coach from other team so both parties get same information If issue with fan – inform administrator to remove fan

Game Management Using all tools of the game to control the game and maintain safety… and to promote a fair outcome Tools include whistle, flag and cards Open communication between officials, coaches and players strengthens teamwork. We won’t “let them play” when fouls mandate a whistle An official’s preparation and the tone he or she sets upon arrival often influences the tenor of the game

2018 Rule Changes/Updates/Edits Option for a unified field (120 x 60) still all required markings Clarifies ball certification markings – must have NOCSAE balls to play If end up with a non-nocsae ball during play just swap it out – no penalty If home team does not have any – visitor can supply game ball – minor foul to start game On field stick check Rule 2-2 and 2-3: pg 15 & 16 Mesh pockets allowed do not require shooting strings but no more than 2 and must be attached to sidewall Top of the ball must remain visible above the top of the sidewall after pressure has been applied to and released from a ball dropped into the front and back of the pocket of a horizontally held crosse. ***take a picture if questionable and send in to me to determine legality Review Crosse inspection 2-4 Stick checks may only be requested during stoppage of the game clock but not during an injury timeout Officials may still at any time do a stick check if officials feel a stick has become non- compliant - Reminder – stick checks may only be made on sticks on the field… not in bench area - single pressure to ball in crosse to check pocket depth front & back

2018 Rule Changes/Updates 3-7-2d page 27 Allows time-out requests at any time team is in clear possession of the ball Timer at table can sound horn upon coach request. 4-1 maximum playing time is 50 minutes (25 minute halves) or less if agreed upon by the coaches 5-2-3b page 36 Draw setup – sticks must be parallel to the ground and entire crosse contained within the vertical plane of the center line – Height differentials – set spot in a way neither player gains an advantage Set them – if move out of this horizontal/plane draw violation, nothing moves but their head after you say “ready” 5-2-5 pg 36 Players sticks may be over the center circle or RL during draw and stick may touch ground to play the ball - as long as no part of the player’s foot is on or over the line. Illegal draw – at center, minor setup or redraw if both foul or unknown who fouled Player positioning violation/early entry – FP at spot of ball, minor setup

2018 Rule Changes/Updates 10-1-k Dangerous shot – clarification does not apply if keeper has time to react or keeper moving into path of shot 10-1-j Obstruction of Free space to goal Keeper once steps out of GC becomes a defender – can be called for FSG 13-1 pg 71 Running clock definition Clock will run after a goal is scored unless timeout is signaled by official

2018 Rule Changes/Updates Uniforms – NYS waiver has expired. Uniforms must follow NFHS guidelines pg 102 Home jerseys shall be light, visitors dark Visible undergarments must be teams predominant jersey color (light with light, dark with dark) Goalies must match teams predominant color or be black or grey Issue at state tourney last year – address this early in season Balls same color for entire game Reminder – in pregame Head Coaches responsibilities include verbally certifying that all team equipment including crosses, eye protection, balls, goalkeeper helmet & other protective equipment is legal under USL rules. We do not need to search out certifications – coaches job

2018 Rule Changes/Updates Modified Rules If you will officiate a modified game please review the Youth girls rules interpretation video Must take youth test in addition to HS test We will be using modified games as development opportunity to mentor and work with new officials Arrive to field ideally 20 minutes or more prior to game time We have asked schools to review if they can physically arrive and be ready to play by stated game time with travel taken into account Let Jason know if significant delay to start of game – visiting team arrival Communicate with modified coaches when arrive – let them know you are on- site Determine if playing extended quarters (12.5 or 15 minute) – if larger rosters and both coaches want extended time Currently set for 1 completed pass after goalie clear to be able to shoot Coaches can agree to other options - 1 attempted pass, or 2 completed passes, etc.