Technology and Social Change
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who stated that, life was easier or harder when he or she was growing up? As you grow, you begin to notice that things around you are not the way they use to be. In many cases life may seem to be more complex. Is it? Society is constantly changing. What is Social Change?
Will You Experience Social Change? There is no doubt that every aspect of life, (social, political, economic) will change in your lifetime. Some changes can be predicted or observed, such as population growth; other changes cannot be predicted.
Outcome of Social Change Examples of unpredictable changes are: 1. How will the increase in common law relationships affect marriage? 2. Will organized religion participation grow or decline? Social scientists try to make sense of the nature of social change. Outcome of Social Change
Technology is the creation of tools that extend out natural abilities and alter our social environment. Examples???? What is technology?
How does technology shape society? Johnannes Gutenberg invents printing press in 1450. By 1500, there are 20 million books! Rapid spread of knowledge to masses through books Martin Luther used press to lead reformation against Catholic Church Arguably the greatest technological invention in the modern era
Traditional Social Change Theory STEPS 1. Individual shares idea with community 2. Idea accepted, and a new tool is created 3. Society uses the tool to implement changes 4. We direct and shape our tools Traditional Social Change Theory
Technological Determinism STEPS 1. Invention of tool takes on a life of its own after it has been introduced to society 2. Change is determined by society’s reaction to the tool 3. Tool is accompanied by a change in human thinking 4. Our tools shape us Technological Determinism
Which theory do you agree with and why? Impact of Technology on Society
“Thumbs up” OR “Thumbs down”? 1. We shape our tools rather than our tools shaping us 2. Technological change is always positive for society
Sources of Technological Stress Negative impacts e.g. Internet (cyber predators and hate propaganda ) Rate of change of technology Overdependence on Technology Technological change is eroding fundamental values of society MORE? Sources of Technological Stress
Are You a Victim of Technosis? Yes No Do you feel stressed if you haven't checked your voice or e-mail within the last 12 hours? Do you feel as if you can't cook a meal without technological gadgets? Do you become upset when you can't find an ATM for quick cash? Do you have difficulty writing without sitting in front of your computer? Do you have a hard time determining when you are finished researching a topic on the Internet? Do you feel less adequate than your highly technologized peers? Do you rely on pre-programmed systems to contact others?
Overdependence on Technology When machines don’t do what we want, we experience anxiety Technosis – Overdependence or attachment to technology (anxious if not constantly checking emails and texts) Often pressure from boss to respond to emails instantaneously and at all times
Has Technology Affected Our Mental Health? Cyber-disorders on the rise, leads to: social isolation, depression, familial conflict, debt, job loss Current debate to diagnosis internet addiction as a mental disorder (excessive gaming, sexual preoccupations, and e-mail/text messaging) in DSM-V -2013 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
Obama defends secret surveillance