Revitalization Urban Renewal Agency of Twin Falls is investing over $13.4 million in the City’s Downtown Core $6.5 M in Main Avenue Renaissance $2.4 M in the Downtown Commons $5.4 M in Utility Improvements (2019)
Total of City Hall & Public Safety Complex $9.5 Million Project $8.57 Million from Reserves $926,000 from Impact Fees
City of Twin Falls and the URA have invested over $131 million in infrastructure since 2012. $36.5 M in Water $47.2 M in Waste Water $20 M in Transportation
Investment in Open Space, Recreation and Community Parks Is estimated to exceed $3.2 M in just the past two years…
Quality Schools Our Partners have also made substantial investments… Since 2007, Twin Falls residents have support two G.O. Bond elections, allowing the community to invested in 1 new high school, 1 new middle school, 2 new elementary school – plus additions and improvements to all other school within the Twin Falls School District totaling $125 million
Our Economic Successes… 2012 $580 Million 700+ jobs $20 Million 100+ Jobs relocated to Downtown Core 2013 2016 $90 Million 250+ jobs 2017 $20 Million 350 additional jobs
Final Thoughts… Twin Falls local economy continues to remain vibrant… We need to find ways to attract additional working professionals to our area… We continue to invest in our infrastructure – water, wastewater, streets and community places… We want to preserve the limited local tools that we have to improve local infrastructure…