This little presentation comes from the folks at Sparky Teaching. Not just a book. This little presentation comes from the folks at Sparky Teaching. An accompanying worksheet can be downloaded from
For some people, this is the book. This is not just a book. For some people, this is the book.
Books are powerful things. We’ve all got books that mean something to us or perhaps make us feel something.
This is the book that… …makes me feel Christmassy. …I’ve never read, but the cover looks interesting. …makes me wish I’d written it. …doesn’t end the way I’d like.
Which reasons can you come up with? Your reasons must begin with the words “This is the book that…”
If you get a minute, why not post your best here… Which books would you choose? If you get a minute, why not post your best here…
For those of you who are new to www. sparkyteaching For those of you who are new to, please take the time to visit our website where you can find resources and creative teaching ideas. ONE BIG QUESTION, 365 DAYS – Join the discussion at ‘WE HAVE A PROBLEM’ – Taking word problems to bits…