Intelligent Connectivity System For Distributors June 2016 ICONS Intelligent Connectivity System For Distributors June 2016 People. Passion. Performance. Footer Date
Agenda Why Connectivity? What Is ICONS? Selling ICONS
WHY FOCUS ON CONNECTIVITY Opportunity to increase revenues As a stand-alone product or Bundled with other services . Helps to enhance our competitive position Something our competitors don’t have Reinforcing our image as a technology leader Allows us to deliver a better service Happy customers are more loyal customers Footer Date
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Distributor Advantages 3 first months are free for trial. After 3 months you have to order the part #.
ICONS admin website ICONS admin website – Service Dashboard Designed for our distributor Based on generation of valuables services & sales leads Our competitions don’t have development any similar for indirect market yet Service overdue Machines overview with service required warning. Include Serial number Running hours Loaded hours Visit Days Overdue Footer Date
ICONS admin website Include Serial number Runing hours Loaded hours Due & Future service Machines overview which require service coming soon Business Generator Include Serial number Runing hours Loaded hours Visit Estimated Visit Date
ICONS admin website Event Overview Event Overview including warning & shutdowns . Include Complete event overview with the elektronikon parameters
The best way to receive the valuable information on time ICONS admin website - notifications Event Management What Decide which of your customers will follow up How… Mail or mobile Select event type The best way to receive the valuable information on time
Sales Support Located on ICONS admin website Footer Date
I don’t want CP to look into my business Similar to online banking, email & mobile phones, Chicago Pneumatic is not watching the customer’s business, not even the machines. The first user of the data is the customer. The concept of ICONs is for the customer to focus on his business, and even more than without ICONs, while Chicago Pneumatic looks after the machines. It requires a signed service for Chicago Pneumatic to actively monitor the events coming from the customer’s machines. Still a long way from watching the business. Footer Date
Uptime is too expensive Consider the risk of a reactive approach. An unnoticed problem may lead to unscheduled downtime, high costs and most of all disrupt production. ICONs contributes to detecting issues, sending early warnings allowing to respond in a planned and cost effective way. Compared to the risk and cost of unplanned downtime, the business case of ICONs Uptime is easily made. A calculator is available to assist in the quantification. Footer Date
Confidential The data is used by Chicago Pneumatic and trusted parties for the purpose of increasing customer value. Chicago Pneumatic and these trusted parties will not disclose data to other third parties unless enforced by law. This is formally agreed with the customer via the terms and conditions or via a specific document. Footer Date
Closing the deal Give the customer the opportunity to experience the benefits of being on top of Service, Uptime and Efficiency Use the trial license When it comes to price, focus on the cost of emergency repairs, unscheduled downtime, production disturbance and the burden of administration Don’t charge for the ICONs Footer Date
5 THINGS TO REMEMBER! Connect all machines with mk4/Mk5 elektronikon Register the customer, introduce him to iconS & follow up Use the trial licenses: let the customer experience the benefits Monetize connectivity: Use the sales leads Organize for connectivity: Set up clear processes Footer Date
People. Passion. Performance.