Toll Middle School Promotion with Distinction Gold Award 2018
The 4 Gold Award Components Fieldwork Research Product Presentation
Fieldwork Describe your Topic: What are your interests and talents? What could you do to improve your school or community? What is the purpose of your project? How does it help or serve others?
Research You cannot go on without this step! Gather information and investigate what is needed to complete your project. Talk with your Advisor and come up with a plan. Submit your Project Proposal to the Counseling Office by Thursday, Dec. 15th, 2017. You cannot go on without this step!
Product Complete the Gold Project: Event – an assembly, presentation, or demonstration Task – a tutoring service, story time for children, a school club (minimum of 6 meetings) Item – an interactive website, brochure, or video
The Gold Project is NOT the Presentation Create a presentation on Google slides that highlights and explains your Gold Project. Sample presentations are available on the Toll Website under the Counseling section. Presentations must be approved by your Gold Advisor prior to the due date, May 11th , 2018. Each Gold Candidate must submit a separate Timesheet and Project Record due to Counseling by May 15th, 2018. Google Slides Presentation is done by the group, which must have 2 or 3 students
The Project Proposal – Due Dec. 15th, 2017 Answer the 6 questions as a group. This is where you will explain what your Gold Project is and how it will serve others. It is a detailed explanation of what each student will do. It is also a timeline of your action steps.
Timesheet and Project Record Each Candidate must record all of the hours he/she spent working on the Gold project. This is where you record your individual part of the project. Record 3 Meetings with your Advisor. This is where the Advisor signs-off on your project and its progress. You cannot continue without these signatures.
Deadlines Parent Permission slip – Sept. 28, 2017 Project Proposal – Dec. 15, 2017 Project should be completed – May 1, 2018 Google slides due to Advisor – May 11, 2018 Timesheet & Project Record – May 15, 2018 Google slides due to Mrs. Piette – May 15, 2018