Uses of Forcemeats
Pate & Pate en Croute A rich forcemeat baked in a mold, dish or in a pastry crust
Review of Steps for Pates Line Pate Mold with Dough (1/8”-1/4”) Allow for Overhang Reserve Excess Dough for Chimney and Garnish Use Eggwash on All Seals 2nd Liner May Be Used, Then Mold is Filled with Forcemeat and Any Inlay Garnish Create Chimney & Garnishes Bake Pate in Oven Cool & Finish with Aspic
Terrine “Pate en Terrine” A loaf of forcemeat, similar to a pate, but cooked in a covered mold in a baine marie Mold is usually rectangular in shape and is ceramic or earthenware
Review of Steps for Terrines Prepare Mold With Lining Examples? Fill Prepared Mold with Forcemeat & Garnishes Eliminate Air Pockets Fold Liner(s) in Over Top to Encase Cook Gently in Water Bath (300° oven 170° bath) Cook to Correct Internal Temp Cool, Press, Store
Galantine Boned meat, usually poultry, that is stuffed into its own skin, rolled, poached, and served cold, usually with aspic
Roulade A slice of meat or fish rolled around a stuffing
Review of Steps for Galantines & Roulades Carefully Romove Skin & Bone of Bird (galantine only) Lay Out Plastic or Cheesecloth and Place Skin & Meat, or Slice of Meat on Top Fill with Forcemeat & Any Garnishes Carefully Roll Around Forcemeat & Allow Overlap Secure Ends (and middle, if needed) Poach or Roast If Poached, keep submerged, If Roasted, place on mirepoix Cool and Rewrap, Allow to Rest
Quenelle A portion of an emulsion style forcemeat bound with panada or egg which is formed into a football shape using two spoons, then poached in stock; usually served with a rich sauce or as a garnish in a soup
Mousse Also known as Mousseline A very light forcemeat based on white meat or seafood lightened with cream and eggs. Professional Chef 7th Edition
Rillette Potted meat, or meat that is slowly cooked in seasoned fat, then shredded or pounded with some of the fat into a paste. The mixture is then packed in ramekins and covered with a thin layer of fat. The Professional Chef 7th Edition