Admixture modeling of Altai populations and the Khövsgöl main cluster using qpAdm. Admixture modeling of Altai populations and the Khövsgöl main cluster using qpAdm. For the archaeological populations, (A) Shamanka_EBA and (B and C) Khövsgöl, each colored block represents the proportion of ancestry derived from a corresponding ancestry source in the legend. Error bars show 1 SE. (A) Shamanka_EBA is modeled as a mixture of Shamanka_EN and AG3. The Khövsgöl main cluster is modeled as (B) a two-way admixture of Shamanka_EBA+Sintashta and (C) a three-way admixture Shamanka_EN+AG3+Sintashta. Details of the admixture models are provided in SI Appendix, Tables S5 and S6. Choongwon Jeong et al. PNAS 2018;115:48:E11248-E11255 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences