Vocabulary Words and Words to Know Good-Bye to the Moon
combustion com – bus’ – tion (n.) Kid-friendly definition – internal burning; act or process of burning Sentence stem – Engines require…
dingy din’ – gy (adj.) Kid-friendly definition – dirty; lacking brightness or freshness Sentence stem – The windows were…
negotiate ne – go’ – ti – ate (v.) Kid-friendly definition – settle; to talk over and arrange terms Sentence stem – The workers and management will…
traversed tra – versed’ (v.) Kid-friendly definition- crossed; passed across Sentence stem – The Pilgrims …
waft waft (n.) Kid-friendly definition- light scent Sentence stem – The smell of our neighbor’s dinner…
waning wan – ing (adj.) Kid-friendly definition- decreasing Sentence stem – It was hard to see …
More Words to know Some words have meanings that are alike but not exactly the same. The meanings are just a little different. These small differences are called “shades of meaning.” For example, the words weep and bawl are synonyms for the word cry. The word bawl is stronger than cry and the word weep is not as strong as cry or bawl.
More Words to Know bedroom a place for sleeping in
MORE WORDS TO KNOW pesticides substances for killing insects
MORE WORDS TO KNOW dangerous risky
MORE WORDS TO KNOW ungainly clumsy
MORE WORDS TO KNOW adorable inspiring great affection
MORE WORDS TO KNOW careful using caution
COMPREHENSION SKILL compare alike contrast different
Look Back and write What does “the reluctant cashbox of Earth” (p. 276) tell you about the relations between Earth and the Moon in this futuristic story? Write the answer and explain why this phrase is important to the story. Provide evidence to support your answer.