It is all about ATTITUDE! Scientific Inquiry It is all about ATTITUDE!
Observe the Device Please write down at least 10 questions you could ask about this Device. Then we will share our questions today with the whole team.
Now write down at least 5 things you would change about this device in order to learn more about how the device works and answers the questions you had about this device. We will share it with the class ……..
Your Assignment I would like you to build a similar device for the purpose of learning as much as you can about HOW this device REALLY works. Please form teams of two, share your lists of questions with each other and then BUILD!
Record ALL your observations Please make sure to record all your data. Include both qualitative and quantitative data. Your Assignment: After you have built your device, and made your changes, recording everything………………..
Write a Lab Report, using as much math as possible You will turn in individual Lab reports, so please make sure that you share all your data and observations with your teammate.
Ready? Set? Break! Any questions???