The A, B, C’s of Time Management Summer 2013
Getting More Miles Per Gallon Think of the hours in your week as the gas in your car You all have the same size gas tank yet….. Some get much further on their tank of gas than others To get more MPG you have to work smarter not harder
A = Attendance Every hour of time you spend in class saves you 3 hours of study time If you’re going to cut corners, don’t skip class
B = Budgeting Time We all get 168 hours per week Being a student is a full time job Keep a calendar to plan out all your weekly activities Classes Projects Clinicals Reading Study time (2-3 hour blocks) Exams And all other outside commitments Break projects into small pieces Chunking – breaking projects into small pieces
C = Clutter Procrastination, clutter, and confusion go together Don’t put things ‘down’ put them ‘away’ The semester leaves no time for procrastination Eliminate distractions Do one thing at a time Clear study area of clutter Use your wastebasket
D = Dirty Jobs Look at ‘to do’ list for the day and circle the thing you dread doing most ----- Do it first If you postpone it will hurt your concentration all day and then you’ll procrastinate till tomorrow
E = Efficiency vs. Effectiveness Efficiency is the process of doing something right Effectiveness is doing the right thing the right way Decide what needs to be done and do it the right way Tips for personal effectiveness Meet basic human needs Plan frequently Take breaks De-clutter and organize work area Study in quiet place without interruptions Handle papers only once Basic human needs – sleep, food, water
F = Filing System Be organized – don’t waste time looking for things Disorganization is a big time waster Have one notebook for all classes or designated folders for each class. Think of your brain as a filing system You can’t just throw things in the general direction of your brain and expect to find it in the file later
G = Goal Oriented Identify your goal and write it down Write down ways to reach your goal Focus your time and energy on that goal for maximum effect
H = Hang In There Finish the work at hand no matter how attractive doing the laundry becomes Active avoidance and passive procrastination cost you lots of valuable time Reward yourself for completing your task at hand
I = Investments Think of class attendance, library time, and study sessions as deposits Repeated small deposits add up to big rewards (A’s on exams) and store information into long term memory Cramming goes to short term memory only
J = Jot It Down Make lists and use them Make a list each evening for the following day Make it manageable and realistic Rank in order of importance Will keep you organized and help you avoid wasted motion
K = Knocking Off When you reach a point of diminishing returns stop doing what you’re doing. It’s a waste of time to go for perfectionism
L = Log Keep an activity log (q 15 minutes) for 3 days to see how you spend your time Tells you about Interruptions How organized you are When you are most productive How you waste time Everyday make a color coded prioritized plan To set priorities, Do now, Do later, Do whenever, Don’t do, Delegate
M = Multitasking Cook the week’s meals in one day and freeze Barter services Don’t procrastinate = more weekend and evening time Study at school immediately after class Avoid busywork – don’t major in minor activities It gives a false sense of accomplishment Don’t take pride in your efforts – Take pride in the results
N = No Learn how to say it The greatest time saving device ever invented
O = Other People’s Time Know how to divide chores and delegate everything you possibly can If relying on other people’s time plan far ahead
P = Prime Time Everyone has 2-4 hours each time when they are in top form Find your prime time and protect it – don’t procrastinate Use it for high priority items that demand concentration and focus Procrastinate due to difficult material and fear of failure
Q = Questions Several times each day ask yourself the following questions: Is this the best use of my time right now? Is this activity helping me achieve one of my goals? If I didn’t do this, what would happen?
R = Regrets Don’t waste time mourning what might have been or wallowing in guilt or self pity Learn how to acknowledge the disappointment and move on to the next opportunity
S = Study Tools Have everything you need to study handy Books Notes pens / paper Resources etc
T = Tomorrow Tomorrow never comes DO IT TODAY! Sign at gas station says “free gas tomorrow” so you go back the next day and the sign still says “free gas tomorrow”
U = Urgency Urgent things are not always important Important things are not always urgent Ignore the pseudo-important things that clamor for your attention
V = Vacillating Be decisive If you give yourself a deadline – stick to it If you decide your study time is 2:00 – 4:00 then do it.
W = Wasters Identify Time Wasters Children, family, spouse, friends, phone, etc. Plan breaks for this socialization Personal Disorganization Use lists, calendars, planners Downtime Keep notebook, study materials handy at all times What are your time wasters?
X = Xeroxing Keep copies of all your important papers and assignments Photocopy anything you may want to carry with you for quick moments of time to study
Y = Yakety Yak Don’t let the phone or a drop in visitor ruin your study time. “I can’t talk right now but I’ll call you back at 9” Leave message on your phone “I’m unavailable until 6 and I’ll get back to you then”
Z = ZZZZZZZ’s Schedule rest and relaxation periods Get the sleep you need so you are sharp and thinking clearly
Now….. Let’s plan your semester!