The Western Regional Air Partnership logo
Delicate Arch in Arches National Park. Photo by Jeff Lemke of CIRA.
Grand Canyon on a hazy day
Grand Canyon on a moderately hazy day.
Grand Canyon on a clear day
Grand Canyon
Weminuche Wilderness (pronounced Wem i new ch). Photo by John Fielder.
Glacier National Park on a clear day.
Glacier National Park on a moderately hazy day.
Glacier National Park on a very hazy day.
Yellowstone Lake – National Park Service credit line
Windmills in Wyoming
Windmills in Wyoming
Mobile source
Tailpipe emissions
WRAP meetings
Prescribed burn
Small-scale slash burning
Construction dust
WRAP members – Federal, state and tribal partners
Our thanks to photographers: John Fielder for the Weminuche Wilderness sunset picture Jeff Lemke of CIRA for the Delicate Arch and various other photos Brad Bissey, WRAP’s webmaster, for windmill photos