Handheld Receiver Circuit Sensor / Transmitter Circuit Senior Project- Computer Engineering- 2005 Hyperthermia Alarm for Automobiles Brian Gaugler & Betsy McPhail Advisor: Prof. Traver Motion inside of car? No Design Motion sensors detect movement of children or pets left inside of a parked car When motion is detected, the temperature sensor checks the temperature inside of the vehicle If the temperature is higher than 90oF, the transmitter sends a signal to the driver’s handheld receiver If the driver does not respond within 5 minutes, the car horn sounds and the windows are rolled down No Send signal to handheld alarm Yes Driver response? Yes Yes Start Timer Start car alarm Temperature too hot? No Time left? Roll down windows No Yes Microcontroller Temperature Sensor Car Battery Transmitter Battery Alarm Receiver Background Children or pets left alone in a car in warm weather can suffer from hyperthermia, a condition that can result in serious injury or even death. Since 1998, more than two hundred children have died as a result of being left alone in a hot vehicle. The Hyperthermia Alarm for Automobiles offers a solution to this problem. Motion Sensors Car Alarm Window Switch Handheld Receiver Circuit Sensor / Transmitter Circuit