Creating space for voices within teams who work with children with complex and challenging needs Deborah James, Associate Professor & Emily Kasher-Kell, Staff Nurse Social Work Education and Community Wellbeing, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University Barry Ingham, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Associate Psychological Services Director, NTW Julie Morrow, AHP Lead Children & Young People Inpatient and Regional Services, Clinical Lead New Care Models, NTW Carol Oliver, Clinical Lead, Riding, NTW and the MDT
Partners in Video Feedback Practice North East Autism Society Percy Hedley School/ Percy Hedley Foundation NIHR – Biomedical Research Unit in Hearing NTW (Adults/ASD/LD) Newcastle City Council Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea NTW (CYP) Change the way service users are seen Change the collective narrative around children with behaviour that is challenging Change the conditions for autonomous communication for children with complex needs Change expectations of the other team members’ view of self and patient Change the trajectory of children within Social Care services Work with values and words to change gaze Work with hierarchy within team to get change Change my practice to support intent within the workforce to get change in perspective of self and other and to use perspectives generatively
Using the ecological model of the family Bronfenbrenner (1986) Macrosystem (cultural narratives and frameworks that circulate and influence the family/child) Exosystem (settings that child does not engage in) Mesosystem (other settings/systems that the child engages with) Microsystem (child/parent/child interaction)
On the workshops (the intervention) Learning Objectives: Participants use micro-analysis of video footage to expand their understanding of the child with particular focus on principles of attuned interaction. Participants experience video-feedback and how micro elements of interaction between themselves (session 1) and between themselves and the child (session 2) could link to wider patterns of communicative behaviour in themselves and the child. Learning Outcome: Participants find space for potential development in their own practice and become more reflexive; linking micro behaviour with changes they want to see for themselves, in teamwork, and in the systems around the child to support their learning and development.
Partners in Learning – bringing into being I:you Object relation (partly known) I:thou Subject relation (fully known)
Next Steps NIHR RfPB – Tier 3 application for funding to develop understanding of the outcome measures from the intervention from the perspective of the staff Focus on developing the mechanisms of change in the intervention and the best way to measure the outcome of the intervention