Science DT Cooking Humanities Abacus Maths Year 1 Number and place value Mental addition and subtraction, Problem solving, reasoning and algebra , Mental multiplication and division, Mental addition and subtraction , Geometry: properties of shapes, Statistics, odd and even numbers Real PE Health and Fitness: Sammy squirrel and his rolling nuts Ruth Miskin Phonics Speed sounds Get Writing books Oxford reading tree books Science On Holiday- Sea animals and Shells DT Eat more fruit and vegetables Cooking Novelty Cooking Learning cookery skills Nurture Curriculum Overview Summer 2 2018 Humanities History-What was it like when our grandparents were children? Computing Rising Stars- Year 1 We Are Celebrating: Planning a celebration Literacy Talk4Writing- Year 1 PSHE/SALT Year 1 News and Current affairs Purrrrfect skills Empathy Non Fiction: Letters Poetry: Poems on a theme: The Sea