EDU-476-Day 4 Writing Integration
Growing Success Read and write down any key points of each section that you believe are important to you and other teachers. Be prepared to present your findings to the class. Group 1 (2) - Fundamental Principles Group 2 (2) -Learning Skills and Work Habits in Grades 1 to 12 Group 3 (2) -Performance Standards-The Achievement Chart Skipping Assessment Group 4 (3) -Evaluation Group 5 (4) -Reporting Student Achievement Group 6 (2) -Students with Special Needs: Modifications, Accommodations, and Alternative Programs Group 7 (2) -English Language Learners: Modifications and Accommodations Group 8 (2) -Large-Scale Assessments Group 9 (2) -Appendix 2-Jot notes about important features of the new report card and/or any other important facts.
4 Main Goals of Writing Instruction To write clearly and creatively to convey a message To communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings, and experiences To understand that writing is a reflective and interactive Process To understand the different purposes, audiences, and forms for writing A guide to effective Instruction in Writing, Kindergarten to Grade 3
Attaining these goals needs to include the following: Instruction Balance Choice Integration Collaboration Authentic situations Success criteria Descriptive feedback
K-3 Writing
Stages of Writing Development K-3 In three groups, go to page 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 in the Guide to Effective Instruction K-3 and rewrite the indicators (teacher/student) in your own words Emergent Stage Early Stage Developing Fluency Range by grade Kindergarten=emergent to beginning of early stage Grade 1= middle to late emergent to mid early Grade 2= beginning early to beginning Developing Fluency Grade 3=middle early to middle developing fluency
Junior Writing
Writing in the Junior Grades Success hinges upon the following best practices: Instruction Assessment Resources
Why Junior Writers Write? Enjoyment Self-expression Exploration Synthesize Inform Persuade Social change
Writer’s Workshop Mini-lesson (10-20 minutes) Status of the Class (2-3 minutes) Independent writing time/conferencing (25-40 minutes) Sharing session (5-15 minutes)
Instructional Strategies Writer’s Notebook Quick Writes Graphic Writing Word Study Reading Response Journals
Primary and Junior Writing
The Process Planning Writing Revising Editing Publishing
5 Key Instructional Approaches In five groups read the assigned section and write down the main points. Be prepared to share your answers. Modelled Writing (2.1) Shared Writing (3.1) Interactive Writing (4.1) Guided Writing (5.1) Independent Writing (6.1)
Elements of Writing Ideas/Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentations
Assessment and Evaluation diagnostic, formative, summative before during after Assessment-formative done throughout a unit of study Evaluation-summative Done at the end of a unit of study
Assessment Strategies and Tools Interest survey Writing spree/quick write Anecdotal records, direct observation Rubrics Learning lo/reflection log Writing conferences Anchor charts Checklists Writing portfolios Growth Showcase
Junior-Overview of Writing Development Continuum Phase 1-Role Play Phase 2-Experimental Writing Phase 3-Early Writing Phase 4-Conventional Writing Phase 5-Proficient Writing
Text Forms Narrative Recount Persuasive Report Procedure Explanation
Genres Adventure Historical Fiction Autobiography Humour Biography Information Piece Drama Legend Fable Memoir Fairy tale Mystery Fantasy Poetry Folk Tale Ghost Story Science Fiction
Formats List Sign Letter Newspaper Magazine Diary Play Storyboard Logo Story Joke Graphic Organizer Journal Graph Comic Strip Acrostic Poem Recipe Free Verse Picture Book Rap Song Brochure Blog Wiki Bitstrips
Other important stuff!
Response to Intervention-RTI Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Reciprocal Teaching Clarifying Questioning Predicting Summarizing Based on 4 reading strategies Clarifying Questioning Predicting Summarizing
John Hattie’s Research ..\..\..\1 Desktop Files\Hattie\John Hattie 1.doc
Reading and Analyzing Non-Fiction Tony Stead ..\..\..\1 Desktop Files\1-Literacy\RAN\RAN 2\Teaching Non-fiction Writing (RAN).pptx
Class Act
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