Day of Prayer & Gratitude “There is no storm as tough as the people of Texas. We will rise again, and we will rebuild this great town and the affected areas across the entire state of Texas. We will pray regardless of what faith or church background you may have. We will pray as one united people, for the future of the state and the future of this country, for healing and for hope, for rebuilding and for the next great generation of Texans.” SERVICES - Sunday @ 9 & 11 AM Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible Study) Day of Prayer & Gratitude Keith Anderson - Senior Pastor Connect with us… “As we gather today it’s important that we remember that the greatest power that exists is the power of God and the way that God can touch and move all of our lives.” 12216 W. Broadway, Pearland 77584 731-436-2400 “It was God, acting through the lives of so many Texans who came to the rescue” Governor Greg Abbott @pearlandnewharvestchurch @pearlandnewharvest @Pastorlkas