By: Nahren, Pisu, Jazz && Chantelle Overseas-born people By: Nahren, Pisu, Jazz && Chantelle
Overseas born people are defined as people who are born overseas Overseas born people are defined as people who are born overseas. They make up almost a quarter of the population, approximately 4 960 000 people, were born overseas. Also 60 per cent of overseas-born people were born in a non-English-speaking country.
Overseas-born people They enjoy a higher level of health than that of the Australian-born population. Known as the ‘healthy migrant effect’, the main reasons appear to be that: - people who migrate to Australia are generally willing and financially secure; sick or disabled people are less likely to apply - the government selects migrants based on their health as well as education, language and job skills.
Nature and Extent of Health Inequities Given the general good health of overseas-born Australians, there are some significant inequities in health between our overseas-born population and Australian-born population, including: - high rates of mortality from lung cancer for people from the UK and Ireland - higher rates of diabetes and cervical cancer in the population groups of Asian origin - a much lower incidence of skin cancer in overseas-born Australian.
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