How did the first people arrive in North America How did the first people arrive in North America? Where did they originate from?
Indigenous people have lived in North America for at least 12,000 years and possibly much longer.
Different theories exist as to how they arrived. The two most common being: The Land bridge hypothesis (accepted) Watercraft hypothesis (questioned)
After the ice sheets began to retreat some 10,000 years ago, aboriginal peoples moved into modern day eastern Canada
Among the unique features of First Nations culture are the creation legends. The legend of Turtle Island
Creation legends are intended to explain how the world was created. These legends are usually passed down orally from generation to generation.
How did their values/beliefs differ? The Aboriginal conception of the world differed a great deal from the Europeans they would soon come in contact with. How did their values/beliefs differ?
The natives believed in having a balance with the environment around them, and living in harmony with nature. The natives did not believe in ownership of land or possessions as we have come so accustomed to today. Ownership was collective (everyone owns). Women also played a very important role in everyday life.
The native people used the resources provided by the surrounding environment, but did not believe they controlled the world around them. The world was controlled by spirits called manitous.
Traditions and culture were passed on by elders orally.
A little more about Native Beliefs: Most native peoples believed that life was circular: A circle of Birth, Adolescence, Maturity, and Old Age, that would repeat itself. The circle of life was used to show the inter-connections of all things.
The First Nations: Group # 1:The Iroquois
An Iroquois Village # 6. The Iroquois were sedentary people. They lived in villages, and usually stayed in one place for a number of years.
The Iroquois lived in longhouses that were protected by the surrounding palisade. They also practiced agriculture.
The First Nations: Group # 2: The Algonquians (Hunter and Gatherer Nations)
The Algonquians were a nomadic people (hunter gatherers) The Algonquians were a nomadic people (hunter gatherers). They moved around a large territory, and followed their food sources. The Algonquians lived in wigwams which facilitate quick movement.
The Final Native Group in Canada: The Inuit peoples of the Arctic The Inuit were the last native group to arrive in North America from the shores of Asia. The Inuit lived in igloos, in very harsh weather conditions of the arctic.