Britain Under Threat Lesson 1 - World War II Causes
Stick this in your book and with a highlighter mark your current target grade. Stick this in and complete
Causes of World War II Monday 7th January To make progress this lesson we are learning to: Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of World War II Work effectively in groups to prepare a resource for an audience
Quotes – what do you think? Planners and a pen on your desk Starter 5 minutes Quotes – what do you think? War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good - Jimmy Carter In war, there are no unwounded soldiers - José Narosky
Copy this neatly into your books World War II Causes 10 minutes Copy this neatly into your books In January 1933 Hitler came to power in Germany. He immediately began to challenge the Treaty of Versailles and adapt an aggressive foreign policy, which led to war Hitler’s aims were aggressive and he openly stated them in his book Mein Kampf: Destroy the Treaty of Versailles Create a Greater Germany (a country of all German people) To conquer land for German people in Eastern Europe
Stick the timeline into your book Hitler’s Actions 10 minutes Stick the timeline into your book Which events are significant? What did Britain and France do in response to German actions?
Causes of WWII Work in groups Four causes: 30 minutes Four causes: The Treaty of Versailles The League of Nations Hitler’s aggressive policies The Nazi-Soviet Pact Work in groups Prepare a presentation about your ‘cause’ You will teach the class about it this lesson so think about how you could make it exciting and engage your audience
WRITE THIS IN YOUR PLANNERS: Homework 5 minutes WRITE THIS IN YOUR PLANNERS: Carry out additional research for your presentation Bring what you find to next lesson with you
Reflect on the objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of World War II Work effectively in groups to prepare a resource for an audience How much progress have you made this lesson?
Check in with your group Plenary 5 minutes Check in with your group How far have you progressed? What do you need to do between now and next lesson? Remember: only 10 minutes at the start of next lesson to finish your presentation