Purpose System Engineering Peer Group Initiative Fleetwide Effort To: Perform a Detailed Feedwater Vulnerability Review of Each Site Identify Common Fleet FW System Vulnerabilities Get Corrective Actions Scheduled and Funded
Methodology Reviewed Industry FW System OE and Failure Reports and Plant Specific OE Performed System Walkdowns as a Group at IPEC Identified Plant Specific Vulnerability Gaps Developed Common Fleet FW System Vulnerabilities Identified Corrective Actions
Fleet Results 50 Fleet Common FW System Vulnerabilities were Identified Each Site Ranked Applicability of Each Fleet Common Vulnerability 21 of the 50 Fleet Common FW System Vulnerabilities were Identified as Applicable to WF3 Gaps of Each Site’s Applicable Fleet Vulnerabilities were Evaluated and Actions Initiated to Resolve.
WF3 Results 23 WF3 Site Specific Actions Initiated One New SIPD (1307) Initiated to Modify MFIV Tubing. Two Existing Modification SIPDs MFIV Accumulator Pressure Switch Mod SPID 310 and ESFAS SPV Mod SIPD 549 One Repetitive Capital SIPD (196) Revised to Include New PM for FW Pump Inspection
WF3 Results Cont. Two Obsolete Equipment Issue (FW Governor Controller) included with SIPD 63 Digital FW Control & (FWPT Vibration Instrumentation) include in SIPD 58 Main Turbine Vibration Instrumentation Remaining Actions to be Completed by WO Process