How to classify a Gamma -ray source as a Blazar P. Giommi August 2005
Definition based on observed properties Blazar : Broad-lined (FSRQ) or featureless (BL Lac) AGN with Flat radio spectrum Fast variability High and variable polarization Superluminal motion etc.
Paradigm-driven definition AGN : Two main categories Powered by Accretion (AP-AGN) Powered by Non-Thermal radiation emitted in a Jet (NT-AGN) Blazars: NT-AGN viewed at a small angle w.r.t. jet axis Radio Galaxies: NT-AGN viewed at a large angle w.r.t. jet axis Broad-line radio galaxy (e.g. 3c120) : A combination of AP-AGN and “misdirected” NT-AGN
SSC and the ox - ro diagram Blazar region
Radio galaxies and the ox - ro diagram WMAP 150 = Pictor A Nuclear compact radio emission Radio galaxies
Energy bands with additional (confusing) components Host galaxy Extended radio emission Radiation from accretion
Operational definition of Blazar to be used for GLAST catalog NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies Case where -ray detection is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least one frequency), optical X-ray flux are known. ( ~25% of the cases ) ox and ro within NT-AGN region Additional characteristics that increase probability Variable source, radio-optical polarization r < threshold value and/or Radio compactness > threshold and/or rx > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better > 0.8 ]
Operational definition of Blazar to be used for GLAST catalog NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies Case where -ray source is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least two frequencies), optical are known. (~75% of the cases) ro > 0.2 and r< threshold value Additional characteristics that increase probability Variable source, radio or optical polarization Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better > 0.8 ] Radio compactness > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy
radio (at least two frequencies), optical Operational definition of Non-Thermal radiation dominated AGN (NT-AGN) to be used for GLAST catalog Case where -ray source is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least two frequencies), optical are known. (~75% of the cases) NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies ro > 0.2 and r< threshold value Radio compactness > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better > 0.8 ]