EU CSF FUND II Project Launching Workshop NOVIB and ENDAN, 2016
Introduction of the Action Project Title: Promoting Disability Inclusive Development Practice in Key Socio-economic Sectors Location: Ethiopia: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray regional states Project Duration: 24 months Donations: EU CSF II grant Co-implementer: Ethiopian National Disability Network (ENDAN) Target Groups: Government executive organs, elected council members and non-state actors at different levels Beneficiaries: People living with disabilities in Ethiopia Total eligible costs of the action: 241,151.58 EUR
Background of the Action…. Overall objective: To maximize the participation of persons with disabilities in socio-economic development, with particular attention to women with disabilities Specific Objectives: 1) To inform and draw the attention of the key government organs on the challenges and opportunities of persons with disabilities, disabled women in particular, with respect to increased participation in development programs and services; 2) Empower DPOs to unify their efforts and become vocal advocates of inclusive development 3) Enhance public and community awareness on disability and inclusive development issues, and the rationale for coordinated action in these respects
Major Activities Conduct assessments on disability inclusiveness of the education sector, the employment/labour market and physical infrastructure design and regulation standards Organise validation/promotion workshops involving key stakeholders at federal level on the findings of the assessments (3 events) Organise regional policy dialogue sessions on the findings of the assessments (5 events) Organise 5 regional consultative conferences to discuss the need and modality of a national disability forum Founding and launching conference of the National Disability Forum Training workshop for media practitioners on the promotion of disability inclusive development practices Consultative workshop with representatives of key government institutions on the promotion of inclusive development
Major Activities Consultative workshop on the promotion of disability inclusive endeavours aiming at the prevention of GBV Organise a consultative workshop with the, National Exams Agency and private higher education institutions Consultative workshop with key construction sector stakeholders on measures needed to improve the accessibility of physical infrastructure for persons ith disabilities Consultative workshop with MSE Development Agency and with MFIs on disability inclusive economic empowerment programs Consultative workshop towards the issuance of a national disability act/law Organise two White Cane Day celebrations at federal level Observing International Disability Day at regional level Observing Int. Women’s Day (2 events) highlighting issues affecting women and children with disabilities produce and broadcast educational radio spots on disability inclusive development Leadership training for the applicants and member organisations
Expected results of the project The generation and dissemination of researched information on three core inclusive development issues and relevant legal and policy instruments; Increased awareness, readiness/commitment and capacity of the concerned government and non-government actors to effectively implement disability inclusive development initiatives; Strengthened institutional capacity of the lead applicant and co-applicant organizations/networks to effectively implement the action; Following thorough discussions and learning from others experiences a national Forum of PWDs is launched and active At least one of the key target government institutions have enacted or enforced a law/guideline facilitating inclusive development
Sustainability issue To ensure sustainability, Sectorial relationship build with different actors that will mobilize masses of people, act as dissemination channels to reach different area, replicate the outcome of the action, introduce disability mainstreaming in their work (media, women and children affairs, education, microfinance…) The creation of national disability forum that gives DPOs a unified and stronger voice NOVIB, ENDAN, and Affiliates establish a technical committee one of whose duty is to do follow-ups NOVIB, ENDAN, and member DPOs will, from other funding sources or themselves, obtain finance to continue follow up.
Thank You!