INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Marine and Atmosphere


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Marine and Atmosphere Highlights of the activities Keiran Millard

Activity report on Thematic cluster 60+ Members Members National marine institutes (scientists) national meteorology organisations Pan-European projects (EMODNET, Copernicus) Good trajectory towards data harmonisation Constantly finding new members, slowing with occasional spikes. Some inertia to active engagement although awareness is high. Annex III with strong overlap with observation and measurements Low implementation priority to some groups.

Thematic cluster/sub-group discussions Duality and polymorphism of datasets Where datasets can be practically belong to more than one theme and the corresponding issues with local data management Implementation of data models Technical discussion on using the data models in practice Code lists EMODNet and Copernicus The role they play in Inspire compliance

Activity report on Thematic cluster Lot of examples of services in the spirit of Inspire, but not many true Inspire services: Catalogue services View services True download services with public API AnnexIII – still only beginning to be on the radar What is marine? Inspire theme scope ‘marine’ data published on Inspire portal

Thematic cluster/sub-group proposals for gaps filling, improvements Maintain momentum. Especially with MS leadership More examples of true Inspire compliance services to act as a benchmark and exemplar; ideally based on existing services Inspire Marine Pilot EMODNet-Inspire Collaboration Compliance checking – how to do this in practice Focus on core datasets at EU level E.g. coastline, simple sea areas, MSFD reporting units

Change Requests marine-areas-to-inspire-themes segments supported-representations extent
