Technical Writing Structure, Logic (between sentences and paragraphs), and Strictness (no holes). Know who is your audiences Structure Title and keyword: concise and hit the point, for google users Abstract: 200 words, for directors who have 20 seconds Why it is a good topic What is the idea and contribution What are the results Introduction: 1 pages, for managers who have 5 minutes What are in the literature, or what are the competitors (Organization) System model Problem formulation, proposed scheme, and analysis Results Conclusions Citations For peer
Term Project, Choice One Due at last regular class so that I can talk about it during additional class. Goal: If you have interview on company for wireless project xxx, what you should know Source The company listed on the web or some company you know. Select the cool project interesting you. Send me an email by 11/8 Structure Abstract: 100 words for the company, the project and why interests Introduction: 1 pages for the company: history, competitors, project lines, future, stocks, etc. Main body of 3 pages for a specific product: 2 pages for the thing you have studied from this class, 1 page for something new.
Term Project, Choice two What is the state of art of xxx Bluetooth, UWB, WLAN, WMAN, 3G, Ad hoc/Sensor Networks Cognitive Radio, Fiber communication, Cable communication, Power line communication, Satellite communication, etc. Source IEEE communication magazine to get some tutorial papers Important citations can be found by IEEE Xplore Citeseer to test if the paper is well cited and recognized Select a topic by 11/8. Writing Goal: suppose you were me and want to give a lecture on the state of art of xxx. 200 words abstract, 1 page introduction and 3 pages details, excluding the figures. Citations are needed if you “copy” some ideas.