Providing Effective Training: Tips for Trainers
Discussion: What are qualities/ practices of the best trainers/ facilitators?
Some Attributes of a Good Trainer Knowledgeable Flexible Neutral facilitator Inclusive Organized Responsible In control, but not controlling Pays attention Good storyteller Knowledgeable: knows the content and plans the process Flexible: adapts the process to the situation Neutral facilitator: stays in the process Inclusive: encourages participation from all group members Organized: for group sessions, has all materials ready up front Responsible: has the best interests of the group in mind, and ensures that needs are met In control, but not controlling: manages the group, process & time, but is transparent to the outcome Pays attention: is aware of group dynamics, energy levels, and needs Good storyteller: shares from personal experience to help the audience with application of ideas
Overview: Designing a Training Program Develop instructional activities Prepare the training design, including setup Prepare participant evaluation form Determine follow-up activities Define purpose of training and target audience Determine participants’ needs Define training goals and objectives Outline training content A training design is a detailed plan for what you will do, why you will be doing it, and the best ways to reach your objective.
Planning Talk to leadership/ convener for guidance and goals/ objectives for the training Collect information early and use it to design your training Ask questions to better understand your audience Start to consider format, scheduling, and agenda The more accurately you know the needs of your participants, the better your training design will be. Find out their needs and expectations by: If possible, get participants to complete a brief, written survey, or survey a random sample of participants by phone to collect more detailed information. Ask them: Current roles and responsibilities Previous training on this topic Reasons for attendance Specific needs and expectations of event Review past evaluation and feedback forms
Define Purpose and Target Audience Be clear who your target audience will be Be clear about what your training needs to accomplish; prioritize Define training objectives Clearly defined objectives provide criteria for: Clarifying expected outcomes Outlining training content Planning specific training activities Selecting/developing material Designing evaluation procedures Communicating program intent to participants & others Ensuring training is realistic and appropriate
Outline Training Content Introduction: Establish a positive learning environment; stimulate interest; reduce anxiety and build bonds. Include some content into introductory activities. Learning component: Concepts and ideas taught and explored; skills demonstrated, practiced and discussed. Activities should actively involve participants in acquiring knowledge or practicing skills. Wrap-up and evaluation component: Pull it all together. Highlight essential learnings; summarize central concepts and themes; describe next steps. Open up for questions, concerns, and feedback. Trainings have 3 components: an introduction, a learning component, and a wrap-up and evaluation component. Introduction: Establish a positive learning environment; stimulate interest; reduce anxiety and build bonds. Include some content into introductory activities. Learning component: Concepts and ideas taught and explored; skills demonstrated, practiced and discussed. Activities should actively involve participants in acquiring knowledge or practicing skills. Wrap-up and evaluation component: Pull it all together. Highlight essential learnings; summarize central concepts and themes; describe next steps. Open up for questions, concerns, and feedback. Remember to repeat stated objectives and outcomes to guide program content and remind you of your purpose.
Develop Instructional Activities Design with identified outcomes in mind Provide opportunities to apply learning Remember strategies that promote active learning, such as brainstorming, games, mini- lectures, small work groups, simulations, role- playing, case studies, etc. Don’t forget to develop resource materials (e.g., handouts, worksheets, case studies) Design with identified outcomes in mind Provide opportunities to apply learning Remember strategies that promote active learning, such as brainstorming, games, mini-lectures, small work groups, simulations, role-playing, case studies, etc. Don’t forget to develop resource materials (e.g., handouts, worksheets, case studies)
Prepare Trainer Outline Write a detailed plan of the training session, including the sequence of specific learning activities and time allotted to each, directions and key points to cover for each activity, and which trainer will be responsible for each segment/ activity Use the detailed plan to stay on track, make mid-course adjustments, and document training details
Prepare Participant Evaluation Form Evaluation determines if the training has achieved its objectives and identifies what needs to be improved. Include questions such as: Did participants acquire the skills and knowledge they were supposed to? Were the trainers competent? Were the activities interesting and effective? Was the training format appropriate? Was the training on this topic adequate? Will the training be useful for their efforts? Etc.
Four phases Phase 1: Planning Phase 2: Setup Phase 3: Providing the training Phase 4: Follow-up Next, we are going to talk about setup/ logistics…
Logistics Dates Venue Food and drink Materials & A/V Roles Disseminate readings Prepare/ rehearse Ensure dates are convenient for participants Arrange for a suitable venue Make arrangements for food and drink Prepare materials; ensure all visual materials are in place Work as a team and assign roles (e.g., presenter, facilitator, note-taker, logistics person, etc.) Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material in plenty of time to study it well beforehand Prepare well and rehearse
Phase 2: Setting up the training Set a positive context Room set-up should encourage participation Places to hang newsprint, microphones/audio visual Set a positive context Set up the room to encourage participation Chair arrangements, places to hang newsprint, microphones/audio visual
Phase 3: Providing the training Put people at ease Break the ice Review agenda Develop norms/ ground rules Keep discussion on track Encourage participation Help members feel good about their contributions Watch the time Summarize Put people at ease Use an ice-breaker to energize participants and facilitate name-learning; Review the agenda Help the group develop norms/ ground rules Keep discussion on track Encourage participation; invite others to share their experience Help members feel good about their contributions Watch the time Summarize what you hear
Common ground rules Take breaks as needed Listen to others Be on time Respect each other Allow all ideas to be heard Be supportive You will want to develop ground rules with the group…here are some common ones. Can you think of additional ground rules to add?
During the Training Facilitator or trusted person to take detailed notes Keep your eye on the clock Leave plenty of time to discuss points Leave time for final perspectives Round robin for additional comments The facilitator can be the recorder if: The material is simple The discussion is slow No skilled recorder is available
Record Notes Let people know they've been heard Provide a record Provide information to people who were not there Help keep everyone on track Finding the best person for the job: Experience recording Knowledge of the group Clear handwriting
Tips for Trainers/ Facilitators Review workshop aims Get a sense of participants’ knowledge and expectations Use a variety of communication methods and visual aids End each day with a “Plus/ Delta” exercise Start each day with a recap Ensure everyone knows workshop aims Get a sense of participants’ knowledge and expectations Agree to “ground rules” for the workshop Use a variety of communication methods and visual aids End each day with a “Plus/ Delta” Exercise to reflect on positives of the day and anything that should be adjusted for the following day Start each day with a recap of the previous day What would you add?
Attitude/ Behavior as a Trainer/ Facilitator Model the behavior and attitudes you want group members to employ Use encouraging body language and tone of voice, as well as words Give positive feedback for joining the discussion Be open and honest; stay relaxed and calm Be a good listener; observe, record, etc. Be aware of people’s reactions and feelings, and try to respond appropriately
Attitude/ Behavior as a Trainer/ Facilitator: Continued Be aware of language barriers, cultural sensitivities Re-focus wandering commentary back to key topic Make eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, move around Involve all participants Use humor, stories, and examples Address questions and concerns
After the Training: Follow-up Gather feedback from the group Send follow-up materials Summarize evaluation feedback Review feedback for future improvements Follow-up activities require more resources but increase the likelihood of significant learning. Follow-up activities can include newsletters and website postings, peer observation and coaching, mentoring, study groups, and ongoing communication between participants and trainees. Review evaluation/ training feedback for future improvements