ENGR 2 Engineering Design Graphics Tom Rebold
AutoCAD on Campus Four copies in Back Row of BC208 Lab Business/Computer science building, 2nd floor 4 computers on left side of row Hours: 8:30 AM to 10PM Mon-Thur Log in engr2, mpcls drop box is available One copy in LS103 (Look for CRT display) Open 8am – 8 pm usually Four copies in PS205, back wall, on right
Grading/Homework Each drawing must have your name in it I will grade only 1 exercise each week Picked at random Put all your files into a folder called A2YourName (where 2 is the assign #) Compress the folder (.zip file) Drop into Drop Box Also Print Each Drawing in B&W, staple, hand in Late homework 30% off
Lec 1: Getting Started (Ch1) 2D Construction (Ch2)
Chapter 1 Toolbars Command Line Command Tools Drawing Units Drawing Limits Grid and Snap
Toolbars R-click on a toolbar to see which are active Turn off and on toolbars Move them around
Commands and Tools Command line Command Tool at bottom where you will enter commands Resize Command Tool hover over icon on toolbar name of command pops up Can use mouse or command line to access tool
Starting a new drawing New drawing tool, File>New, type ‘new’ Select Template: acad for inches and ANSI dimensions acadiso for millimeters and ISO dimensions Name: File>SaveAs .dwg extension
Starting a new drawing (cont) Units: Format>Units choose type (Arch/Engr/Dec) and precision Limits: (turn on grid) Format>DrawingLimits change to 8,5 Zoom All Grid and Snap Tools>Drafting Settings can modify
Sample Problems
Sample Problems Ex1-2 Decimal units Drawing limits = 594,420 Grid = 25 Snap = 12.5
Chapter 2 Line—Random (DYN off) Click mouse, c(lose) or enter when done, R-click repeat Erase—select individual or window group Line—Snap (Grid and Snap to 0.5) Line—Entering coordinates Type in 4,5 (enter) 3,6 … Line—Dynamic Input enter distance (tab or <) angle Construction Line
Chapter 2 (cont) Circle Circle Centerlines: Polyline Spline Ellipse Center Point and Radius or (d) Diameter Two points: 2p then end points of diamter Three points: 3p then enter 3 points TTR: first draw 2 lines, then Circle, ttr, click on each, specify radius Circle Centerlines: Bring up Dimension Menu, click Center Mark and a circle Then select Dimension Styles (on R) and Modify, Sybmols/Arrows, Check line Polyline Spline Ellipse Rectangle Polygon
Chapter 2 (cont) Point Text Move Copy Offset Mirror Array Rotate, trim, extend, break, chamfer, fillet, table