Lauren Argenio and Russell Braun A.I. and Games Lauren Argenio and Russell Braun
Do we even know what thinking is? Turing Test Can machines think? How can we tell? Do we even know what thinking is? Uh oh…
Humans are the best judges of intelligence so… Turing Test Solution: Humans are the best judges of intelligence so… If a computer can convince a human that it is intelligent, then it must be doing something close to “thinking.”
Turing Test
Algorithms An algorithm is a sequence of -Finite -Well-defined instructions for completing a task.
Search trees
Search trees
Search trees
Search trees Branch Node Leaf node
Search trees
Search tree used in games Branch Node Leaf node
Search tree used in games
MinMax -2 very good for the OTHER player +2 very good +1, pretty good, but risky
Project progress Learned how search trees are applied to games Sorting algorithms Search algorithms
Program example Whose turn is it? Computer chooses random move out of the remaining ones available Player Computer Player makes a move Computer makes move Update board Has somebody won? No Yes Congratulate winner
Program example Computer calculates all remaining possible moves Whose turn is it? Player Computer gives a value to each move Computer Computer chooses the set of moves that let it win with the biggest advantage (highest number) Player makes a move Computer makes move Update board Has somebody won? No Yes Congratulate winner
Quiz slide 1. What is the purpose of the Turing test? 2. Describe a possible situation that could be represented by a search tree. 3. Explain how AIs compensate for lack of intuition with greater speed and processing power. 4. What does a leaf node represent in the search tree for a game.
references Wikipedia Google Image Search Shoman, Yoav. "Computer Science and Game Theory." Association for Computing Machienery. 04 Feb. 2009 <>.