Test 1
Ch. 1 Directional Terms Terms, Terms & Terms Be able to describe the location of 1 body part to another in relation to anatomical position. Planes of Motion Be able to identify the plane a movement takes place in. Axes Of rotation Skeletal Function Composition and function of bone. Role of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in remodeling How does size and shape of bones impact movement Bone anatomy Role of Collagen Type of Bones Growth of Bones Bone Properties & Markings Type of Joints Joint Movements
Ch. 2 Skeletal Muscles Know the properties Fiber Arrangements Be able to identify the different fiber types. Which is the strongest? Contraction Types Isotonic, isometric, isokinetic, concentric, eccentric…be able to define and describe what occurs during each type of contraction. Role of Muscles Neural Control Terms Proprioception and Kinesthesis Know the proprioceptors and how they work
Ch. 3 Body as a machine and Levers Terms, Terms, Terms Most common type of machine in the body Know the examples of levers used in lecture Relationship between force and resistance in different levers. Mechanical Advantage Laws of Motion Terms Know the laws and what affects the laws (ie. Mass, gravity, etc.) Balance, Equilibrium How can you improve stability? Factors that impact balance. Friction Terms & Characteristics (static friction, rolling friction, static equilibrium, etc.) Loading Displacement Types of displacement