New Web-based games: Facebook, Orkut, and ELT José M. da Silva
Social Networks Games in education Online communities where people meet, socialize, exchange digital files, etc. These sites can also be used to launch new bands and to promote TV shows and movies through viral marketing. Some popular examples of social networks are Facebook, Orkut, Ning and MySpace. Games in education Games derive their strength from the motivation that students develop, from the involvement created.
Educational games Orkut games Facebook games Orkut games Happy harvest Mini-farm Facebook games Farmville Verdonia Frontierville Yoville Social City Mafia Wars Zoo World Treasure Isle…
Advantages ► Learners already use social networks ► Teachers too ► Several learners already play FB games ► Some teachers too ► Games are free ► They are inside FB; less risk or cyberbullying ► They’re fun ► They’re in English ► They’re easy to play ► They come in a variety of themes and language levels
Possibilities 1. Teacher and learners play → possibility of group projects 2. Teacher plays → possibility of independent activities Gains 1. Class motivation, dynamics, variety, up-to-date 2. Using the four skills 3. Create activity/project banks 4. Combination of different tools: quia, blogs, wikis, twitter
Visiting the Games Facebook Material ► Images from the games (print screen); digital or printed ► Texts from the games ► Texts from FB initial page Visiting the Games Facebook
Social City
Zoo World
Treasure Isle
Activity 1 - Directions
Activity 2 - Animals Activity 3 - Seeds Activity 4 - Verdonia
Activity 5 - Comparatives Explore more activities.