Agenda for 24rd Class Administrative Stuff This is last class, except review classes TA-led review class Friday 12/1, 2PM, Rm 101 2016 Exam Review Class Th 12/7. 10AM. Rm 101 2015 Exam Handouts Slides, 2015 Exam, 2016 Exam Office hours M 11/27. 2-3PM Rm 460 (regular class time) Th 12/7 noon-5PM. Rm 460 (after review class) Assignments No writing assignments for TA-led Review class or my review class But very beneficial to write out answers But do not submit on Blackboard TAs have to study for their own exams To Have Once Been A Beetle , 9
Exam Advice Read question carefully Outline answer before starting to write, so well structured Pay attention to genre Memo to partner different is different from appellate opinion Include one or two-paragraph executive summary at the beginning Summarize key conclusions and reasons for those conclusions NOT just road map Use headings to separate issues Consider putting most important issues first Make sure you justify your conclusions with reference to facts in the question Take a break after completing your first draft Go over one page outline/list of topics & issues to make sure you didn’t miss issues Re-read the question and go over one-page outline again Proofread and revise Take a break Reread question again, go over one-page outline again, revise again, proofread
Summing Up Goal is to provide tools that can use in all classes 2 main themes – Interpretation & normative analysis Interpretation How to interpret statutes Will be especially useful in BusOrg, Tax, Administrative Law, and other How to interpret cases & how common law evolves Useful in all classes Normative reasoning Economic analysis Cost-benefit analysis, externalities, Coase Theorem, Information Should be useful in all classes, especially Property Rights and Fairness Should be useful in all classes Integrating interpretation & normative analysis Legal Theory Dworkin, Realism, Rules & Standards Useful in many classes, e.g. understanding Civ Pro – Intl Shoe