Assessment of the Reflective Process (as it pertains to the Process of Science) Rubrics are the best approach Assignment specific are more helpful than generic Scoresheets are not the same as rubrics Provides focus and direction on what is expected about the thinking process not just the content Providing visual aids in addition to rubrics can help guide student thinking and anticipation of thinking (e.g., AMI, Understanding Science Web) Include affective components (what made you uncomfortable? What surprised you?), attend to student needs and help them learn how to overcome concerns. Scoring becomes much more consistent and clear for students Challenges Enough structure to be clear, but not so structured that stifles creativity Need to be clear with your primary goals (big picture and assignment specific) are as an instructor before you ask students to do something (Requires thinking about this ahead of time: instructor time for reflection) Revise, revise, revise Instructor feedback on your product